I wanted to know how to write the log value at any particular Pin at ESP32.
Below is the Code snippet
I am getting expected Result from Inline C and Log the result at below Sub
Below is small picture for reference..
I want to put the above log value at PIN 15 [TX PIN] of ESP32 So that I can get the same value at NodeMCU [DPIN 10 (RX)] to send the same at Cloud MQTT Server.
Please advice
Below is the Code snippet
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
Public Serial1 As Serial
Public GetRSSI As Int
Public GetAdd As String
Public buttonOutPin As Pin --->Pin15 for ESP32
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
I am getting expected Result from Inline C and Log the result at below Sub
Private Sub Looper1
RunNative("loop", Null)
End Sub
Below is small picture for reference..
I want to put the above log value at PIN 15 [TX PIN] of ESP32 So that I can get the same value at NodeMCU [DPIN 10 (RX)] to send the same at Cloud MQTT Server.
Please advice