B4R Question ESP8266 - software serial - not receive data


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Dear friends, please very much for help,

I am using two esp 8266 connected via sofware serial

ESP1 to ESP2 (see picture with pinout in attachement)
pin 14 --> pin 12
pin 12 --> pin 14
both esp are connected to usb

I have this simple code in both esp:

#Region Project Attributes
    #AutoFlushLogs: True
    #CheckArrayBounds: True
    #StackBufferSize: 500
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals

    Public Serial1 As Serial                'Serial connection for Debug..
    Public Serial2 As SoftwareSerial      
    Public astream As AsyncStreams
    Public timer As Timer
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
    Serial2.Initialize(9600,12,14)    'pin ESP07

End Sub

Sub timer_Tick
    Dim msg() As Byte ="hallo"
End Sub

Sub astream_newdata (Buffer() As Byte)    '
Log("from esp:",Buffer)
End Sub

Sub astream_error
    Log("Serial - No Connection")
End Sub

I am using board setting - please see picture

but I am trying it this simle connection second day and I cant receive data....

Please, where I am doing mistake?
I want use software serial and in the past I know that I had success with this, but now I dont know where I am doing mistake...

Please for help..
Thank you


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Dear Tigrot,

thank you very much for your answer. I have not osciloscope. On red PCB is pin 13 but not 15.
I have tried to set one ESP pin 13 as received pin and I have same result, I cant receive data...
Best regards

EDIT: I have tried to set one ESP pin 13 as TX pin and I have same result
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Just to note I have successfully used pins 12 (D6) and 14 (D5) for Software Serial in the past. @tigrot 's pin choice may be better, I don't know. These are just ones I chose.
Though when updating an old project recently it stopped working. I assumed I had been a bit rough with the hardware and broke my 232 breakout board. I have ordered some new ones, but they haven't arrived yet.

I have also setup a new project in Arduino, using the same pins for RS485 comms via Software Serial and it too works fine.
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Just to note I have successfully used pins 12 (D6) and 14 (D5) for Software Serial in the past.
Yes, I have the same trouble. In the past I have success with pin 12 and 14, but now it is not functioned. Very interresting is that Sendig is OK, but receiving in NOT ok.

I have 2 peaces of HW, one old and one absolute new. On both is this trouble. I have tried the same - create new project in b4r, but this not sole this situation.
I am using same board settings.
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Yes, I have the same trouble. In the past I have success with pin 12 and 14, but now it is not functioned. Very interresting is that Sendig is OK, but receiving in NOT ok.

I have 2 peaces of HW, one old and one absolute new. On both is this trouble. I have tried the same - create new project in b4r, but this not sole this situation.
I am using same board settings.
Very interesting indeed.

Mine was same. I linked my ESP8266 project to a USB to RS232 lead connected to laptop and software on laptop to monitor. Again I could transmit from ESP8266 to laptop, but could not receive when transmitted from laptop.

Maybe it is a bug that has recently been introduced. My original project is a couple of years old and was working fine until I updated it. I also tried putting back to a backup of existing code and still didn't work. Hence I assumed I had broken the 232 board.

I also tried other pins, no joy.

Once my new 232 boards arrive I will be trying the new hardware.

@Erel has the SoftwareSerial or AsyncStreams libs been updated in a way that could casue this? or any other reason you can think of that may cause the issue?
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I just realised today is Saturday. Erel is resting ?
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very interesting. So I will buy new ESP module for certain and with this two old peaces I will try to connect them to other module - for example bluetooth, and I will write the result here.

I am fighting with absolutely same situation as you described....
Thank you very much

I am using B4R 2.80
rSoftwareSerial Version 1.00
rCore 2.01
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Looking more like a software issue for sure.
The B4R library files appear to be non-compiled code, so a little editting should be possible.

Once I get some working hardware again I will try to add some logging lines to try see where the code gets stuck.

In the function
(The sub I think will have the issue)
There appears to be some commented out logs anyway,
// ::Serial.print("is connected: ");

so hopefully copying that format and logging different remarks for each step throughout that sub should give some good indication.

I am currently using B4R v3.31
Not sure what version my old project was originally comiled with as it now shows 3.31 because I have re-compiled it recently.

Looking at B4R changelog, async streams was updated at version 2.00. Maybe it broke here and was never picked up. The mystery continues
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Thank you for your tips Barx
We're just 2 people trying to figure the same problem ?

I have tried the direct stream access with my assumed bad hardware, I never get any bytes on the stream so i guess my hardware really is busted ?
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realy you have tried:

and in timer (I have set tick= 1 second)

If swserial.Stream.BytesAvailable> 1 Then
        Dim b(swserial.Stream.BytesAvailable) As Byte
        Dim len As Int = swserial.Stream.ReadBytes(b, 0, b.Length)
        Log (b)
End If

here is pin=12 for receiving. With my HW this solutions is ok. It is not ok when I am using ASTREAM - i am still looking for astream solution...

Sorry if your hardware is not ok :( I know your feelings. ;)
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@petr4ppc ? It's is ok, but thanks.

My own fault. I broke it, trying to fix it, when it wasn't broke LOL.
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This is for Erel when he swings by in the morning.

In the AsyncStreams lib file. The Initialize method adds an item to a Poller, I half understand what this is doing.

Also, in the same file the method
void AsyncStreams::checkForData(void* b)
Appears to expect an arg/parameter 'void* b'.

What I don't understand is how this parameter is passed?

When the item is added to the Poller, no such parameter is mentioned.

The reason I point this out is I am wondering if the NewData sub in B4R never gets called because in the lib
int av = me->stream->BytesAvailable();
never has any bytes because the line
AsyncStreams* me = (AsyncStreams*) b;
may just be creating a blank AsyncStream object as 'b' may never actually be passed.

That's my theory so far ?
I don't fully understand the Arduino / c language so I could be totally wrong.
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well, my 232 boards still haven't shownup. Slightly annoying not being able to make any progress.
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Well, I can't get my breath. Post arrived today with what appears to be my delivery I have been waiting 2 weeks for......... All I have is an empty envelope with a little tear in it. :mad:
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I think I'm about to give up on this.
I have my new hardware and put it together. I tested with simple arduino project and get a loopback response so I know hardware is good.

I have a small test project in b4r and spent about 3 hours last night going through the b4r libraries, mainly AsyncStreams and B4RStream.
The issue as far as I can tell is that when the B4RStream library does readBytes with the line

Int i = wrappedStream->readBytes(((Byte*)Buffer->data + StartOffset + total), MaxCount);

The returned value 'i' is -1.
If you log the action directly with
::Serial.println(wrappedStream->readBytes(((Byte*)Buffer->data + StartOffset + total), MaxCount));

the returned value is 4294967295 which is higher than the max value of the Int variable (2147483647) so is possibly why it returns -1 (overflow maybe?)

This in turn returns to the AsyncStream lib the value of read bytes as 0
So then in this code in AsyncStream
        if (index > 0 && (!me->prefixMode || index == maxSize)) {
            arr->length = index;
            B4R::StackMemory::cp += index;
            ::Serial.print("Lib - Data4");
'i' is always 0 and so NewDataSub is never called.

Also, interestingly. When accessing the stream direct in b4r with
    If swserial.Stream.BytesAvailable> 1 Then
        Dim b(swserial.Stream.BytesAvailable) As Byte
        Dim len As Int = swserial.Stream.ReadBytes(b, 0, b.Length)
        Log ("b4r - ", b)
        Log ("Length = ", len)
        Log("No data")
    End If
in the log, Length = 0. Which again uses the B4RStream lib and returns 0 like when using AsyncStream.

Any thoughts on this @Erel?
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