B4J Question HTTPJOB get a request as string?


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Is this possible? I need to get the request including the headers and body as a string exactly as it is sent to the server.


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just make a small app that listen on tcp/socket port 80 and you get the http header / data there
u can use the local IP address of or the pc ip or the computer name in local network.
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I am calling a governments agency REST API's to submit information. I need to keep a log of the HTTP Requests sent to them to get approval to use REST API's in a live system.

If I cant to that would it be possible to use an OKHttp interceptor with HTTPJOB? This one converts request to cURL for example which would be sufficient I think.
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if you have a correct certificate i think a local proxy is no problem as an example on the same pc.
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Code to get the request headers:

1. Change in HttpUtils2Service:
Sub Process_Globals
#if B4A or B4J
   Private hc As OkHttpClient
   Private hc As HttpClient
#end if
   Private TaskIdToJob As Map
   Public TempFolder As String
   Private taskCounter As Int
   Public MyInterceptor As JavaObject
End Sub

Sub Service_Create
   If hc.IsInitialized = False Then
       TempFolder = File.DirTemp
       Dim jo As JavaObject = hc
       Dim builder As JavaObject = jo.RunMethod("sharedInit", Array("hc"))
       MyInterceptor.InitializeNewInstance("b4j.example.httputils2service$MyInterceptor", Null) '<-------- change based on package name
       builder.RunMethod("addNetworkInterceptor", Array(MyInterceptor))
       jo.SetField("client", builder.RunMethod("build", Null))
   End If
End Sub

#if Java
import okhttp3.*;
import okhttp3.Interceptor.*;
import java.io.IOException;
public static class MyInterceptor implements okhttp3.Interceptor {
public Headers headers;
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
   Request r = chain.request();
   headers = r.headers();
   return chain.proceed(r);
#End If

If job.Success Then
   Dim headers As JavaObject = HttpUtils2Service.MyInterceptor.GetFieldJO("headers")
   Dim names() As Object = headers.RunMethodJO("names", Null).RunMethod("toArray", Null)
   For Each name As String In names
       Dim values As List = headers.RunMethod("values", Array(name))
       Log($"${name}: ${values}"$)
End If
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Thanks Erel. Didn't work at first until I realized that I needed to change:

 MyInterceptor.InitializeNewInstance("b4j.example.httputils2service$MyInterceptor", Null)

to my package name. This is exactly what I was looking for.
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