B4J Question I need your experiences


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all
My projects run on RB pi 2 (b4j non-ui)
work process like this
  • start process
  • create text file and open
  • read modbus device (every 1 sec)
  • show nextion display
  • save text file
  • stop process
  • close text file

I want to know
Which method is better

1-) read device and write text file when finish work after close file (now work this method)
2-) read device and add list when finish work after write list text file and close text file

could you share your experiences



Licensed User
Longtime User
I have no experience in file usage in pi... And the one thing that still puts me off of using sensors with it is the lack of direct reading the sensor values.
Still, I am much interested in one of the devices you are using...
The section display... May I ask you to create a simple example for how to interact with it in b4j? (1 button, 1 label,1 text area)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
ok I can share my personal project for you it is AD9850 DDS you can see button and text example I used 2.8 " display for this projects if you have big size no problem but you see small on big display...
hımm I dindt upload because file size over 512K
could you write email address ?
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