iOS Question iAdmob1.7 error


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Hi, I try to test Admob with below fields iAdmob 1.7 xCode 10 Updated libGoogleAdMobAds.a Updated GoogleMobileAds.framework from firebase website B4i 6.08 But I have error that attach it in post


  • error.txt
    77.7 KB · Views: 249


Licensed User
Longtime User
make sure you have added this to the main page:

#PlistExtra: <key>GADIsAdManagerApp</key><true/>
#AdditionalLib: libsqlite3.dylib
#AdditionalLib: libz.dylib
#AdditionalLib: WebKit.framework

also, make sure to update your libs and framework on your local mac described here:

you may try to run it with hosted builder to see if it is an issue on your local mac and also try to run it on a real device and not simulator although it should work on simulator too.
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