iOS Question iBarCode - Help, How to Know What Type of Code is Reading?

Francisco Picado

Licensed User
Longtime User
I have the following problem: when I try to read the code with my iphone, at the beginning of the code that reads It put a Zero ("0") so it Brings the Code : [ 0842342100679 ] , however if I read the same BarCode with a Hand Scanner attach to the computer do not read the Zero and It put the BarCode well [842342100679] (as it seen in the image), the same happend if I use an Android App (BarCode Reader from de playStore), it read the BarCode without the first Zero. This happen with a few BarCodes mostly it read Fine the rest of the BarCodes.

In advance I know that the Hand Scanners, can be configured to read or not the First Zero on the Left, but that as long as you configure what is the type of code that will read with the configuration Sheet of the Hand Scanner, knowing this is how i came on with the Question.

Then my query could be if you can predefine or detect the type of code that is being read from the iphone with the library iBarCode and then to avoid a zero to the left, although I also know that this would not be a solution because there are codes that do bring a zero to the left and indeed need to be reading.

I did the test with Iphone 6s Plus and Iphone X, both with IOS 12 , so it's not a hardware (Camera Resolution ) or software Limitant for reading the BarCode, maybe if a matter of adjust the Library (don't Know). If Someone had the same problem and found a solution, thank you in advance for any help.


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