This code does not work. The pointlist has 4 entries, but as they are added to the poly line points, the log shows the size remains as 0.
This is the code from the B4I GoogleMaps example, which works.
I tried initialize2, addall as well, and both produce an empty points list.
I changed my code to Course.Points = pointlist and it works. This seems like a bug in the library.
My code for a polyline:
Course =gmap.AddPolyline
For Each px As LatLng In pointlist
Course.Color =
Course.Width =7
This is the code from the B4I GoogleMaps example, which works.
pl = gmap.AddPolyline
Dim l1, l2, l3, l4 As LatLng
l1.Initialize(10, 10)
l2.Initialize(10, 20)
l3.Initialize(20, 20)
l4.Initialize(20, 10)
pl.Points = Array(l1, l2, l3, l4, l1)
pl.Width = 5
pl.Color = Colors.Red
I tried initialize2, addall as well, and both produce an empty points list.
I changed my code to Course.Points = pointlist and it works. This seems like a bug in the library.