Android Question In app billing manager.RequestPayment authentication


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Hi all,

I try to use In-App billing v3. When I call manager.RequestPayment there is an error message from Google:

Authentication Required. You have to sign in to your Google Account .

Shall I sign in from my app? If yes how to do?

Need your help


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Does really nobody know what this message means?

l started Google Play Store with the email adress I stored as alpha tester in the developer console. I started the explorer with this account. In my app always is The. same error message.

I have no idea what Google means with that message.
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This is the error message. I don't know what to do!


  • Error.png
    244.1 KB · Views: 309
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Thank you Erel. I found it one hour ago by myself. On my tablet I must go to (in german)

"Einstellungen/Konten/Google/Datenschutz/Suche/KOnten & Datenschutz/Google-Konto" There I must select the testuser in my alphatest.

I asked me always, how can my B4A-App know which user am I? I didn't know how to sign in to the google account.
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how can my B4A-App know...?

this is google store reply not B4A. It's good to apply try-cath there.
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