Android Question In-App Billing authentication is required you must sign into your google account


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I did a small apk to test the In-App Billing and works ok.
Than I try to put in my real software and I´m getting the error "authentication is required you must sign into your google account".

I googled and they face a problem like this acessing play store.

The test program still works and the other not.

I see the unfilter log ( in attach ) and these lines call my attention .

Permission Denial: get/set setting for user asks to run as user -2 but is calling from user 0; this requires

Writing exception to parcel
java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: get/set setting for user asks to run as user -2 but is calling

from user 0; this requires android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL

I add the "android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL" to the manifest but the problem still there.

I don´t understand why one software runs and other don´t


  • Error_buy1.txt
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Hi Humberto,

I've got the same error message, but my product ID is correct. Do you another idea what could be the problem?

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