Instead of using Listview, I created a xCustomlistview and the item click event of the xClv fires every time. xClv is preferable to listview: Here is the process:
'in Class globals of B4XMainPage
Private xClv As CustomListView 'need xcustomlistview lib. The xClv was added to Page1 layout. You can change color of xClv text
'In Sub B4XPage_Created I added these 2 items:
xClv.AddTextItem("Parent Profile","Parent Profile" )
xClv.AddTextItem("Change Number","Change Number" )
Then added this sub to B4XMainPage:
Private Sub xClv_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
If Value="Parent Profile" Then
Log("do something else")
End If
End Sub
It works every time and does not miss a beat.