iOS Question Install/Debug via Cable in a MAC LOCAL BUIDER

Alberto Iglesias

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Yes, always when I compile occurs a lot of errors independent of the app.

for reproduce right now, I create a new B4i project and when I compile, look:


I think this is trash in xcode, I don´t now. Occurs the same if press "Clean Project" even clean in xcode any project.

for work I need to try more than 20 times or more.....

by the way: I have installed b4ibuilder in two MACs and both to the same.

And I tried with iPhone, iPad.....

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Alberto Iglesias

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Is a new iPhone, don´t have any apps, just this clean example and B4iBridge.

Can be some from Xcode? This app appears in log "EASAMPLE" it´s a xcode project I create. How can B4i see this?

If I create some xcode project directly in Xcode by cable, work perfectly, but when create with B4i connected by bridge, do this errors
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Alberto Iglesias

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With the Host builder works very well, slower but works.

and about "B4i-Bridge starts the debugging app based on the url scheme".... this scheme is not based on Bundle ID is correct? So, when macbuilder send to iphone I this replace old one, right? or keep some cache data?

for now I try to delete this folders on Mac


and for now is working.

Another thing is in an iphone with anothers apps installed (created by b4i), when I started a new one project and run it, a lot of apps started together this one? Strange behavior.
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B4X founder
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this scheme is not based on Bundle ID is correct?
That's true. Also note that only applications compiled in debug mode are set with a url scheme. So if you make sure that there is only a single deployed debugged app then it will always work properly.
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