iOS Question IOS Push notification in background


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I have an application written in B4A where I use Fire Base Push Notification and it works very well.

My problem is in IOS. When the application is active, I get notifications, but when I close it or it is in the background, notifications do not show.
What is the matter of notifications in IOS, are there any ways to get notifications even when the application is not running?


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Your answer might be silent notifications.

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B4X founder
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It has nothing to do with silent push notifications.

My problem is in IOS. When the application is active, I get notifications, but when I close it or it is in the background, notifications do not show.
This means that you haven't implemented it properly.
Carefully follow the tutorial and it will work: FirebaseNotifications / Push Messages (server not required)

Make sure to use the B4J tool to send the messages.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It has nothing to do with silent push notifications.

This means that you haven't implemented it properly.
Carefully follow the tutorial and it will work: FirebaseNotifications / Push Messages (server not required)

Make sure to use the B4J tool to send the messages.

Thank you with the reply. The problem was the code on the ASP server side. I changed the code for sending notifications for IOS and now it works.
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