B4J Library [IoT] jPi4J - Raspberry Pi GPIO controller


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When I try to run in debug mode I get a error and the program stops : unable to open SPI device.

Any ideas?


Mark Turney

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Silly question probably, but did you enable SPI in raspi-config?


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actual Version ?

in first Thread i see 1.50

but here i see 1.60

which information is true ? if second, where can i download?

thx in advance


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Strange :
    pin5.Name = "Detectie binnen-buiten"
    jo = pin5
    jo.RunMethod("setDebounce", Array(25))

I get this error :

PULL_UP works???

Why doesn't PULL_DOWN work ?


Last edited:


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No, not error , but in the highlights is written : Added support for Raspberry Pi 3 - Model B

And I thought were some update.


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Which jar does i need to download(include) if i want to use following code to access SPI ?



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I try following to access spi in PI but it always return 12 to me !? OK or Not ok !?

Sub WiringPiSPISetup(Channel As Int, Speed As Int) As Int
   Dim jo As JavaObject
   Return jo.InitializeStatic("com.pi4j.wiringpi.Spi").RunMethod("wiringPiSPISetup", Array As Object(Channel, Speed))
End Sub

Sub WiringPiSPIDataRW(Channel As Int, Data() As Byte, Len As Int) As Int
   Dim jo As JavaObject
   Return jo.InitializeStatic("com.pi4j.wiringpi.Spi").RunMethod("wiringPiSPIDataRW", Array As Object(Channel, Data, Len))
End Sub


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Dear Erel,
It seems the library is not compatible with Raspberry Pi Zero W. Maybe pi4J library at http://pi4j.com is not updated. I get the following error message:;
Unable to determine hardware version. I see: Hardware    : BCM2835
- expecting BCM2708 or BCM2709. Please report this to projects@drogon.net
Let us hope this problem is sorted out.
Just reporting.


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Answer related to Post#137.

also stumbled recently about this issue. After various testing (based on thread discussions), resolved by [status 20170506]:
Note: To check the RPi CPU use command "cat /proc/cpuinfo". See at the bottom under hardware ie hardware : BCM2835.

Ilya G.

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Not working on Linux 4.9.24-v7+

Unable to determine hardware version. I see: Hardware   : BCM2835
- expecting BCM2708 or BCM2709.

To rwblinn, after updating pi4j-core, pi4j-device, pi4j-gpio-extension doesn't work with jDHT library


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Not working on Linux 4.9.24-v7+

Thanks for the info. I can not verify as do not have Linux 4.9.24-v7+ - can only test on a RPi.
Note: Tested jDHT 1.0 again with success under Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) with hardware BCM2835 (RPi 3) & DHT11 - just to go for sure.
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