B4J Question Is it possible to see new value in a table's field before it is committed?


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Hello guys,

I have a code to insert/update hundreds of rows. In order to keep the integrity, insert/update operation made within BeginTransaction and TransactionSuccessful/Rollback.

But I have a problem, there are records which values depend on values on other values that still not committed because it is in the same BeginTransaction - TransactionSuccessful loop.

Here are the sample code
Private dbpool As ConnectionPool
Private Qry1,Qry2 As SQL
Private Id as int

Qry1 = dbpool.GetConnection
Qry2 = dbpool.GetConnection
   Qry1.ExecNonQuery("update tbl1 set field1 = 1")
   Id = Qry2.ExecQuerySingleResult(select field1 from tbl1)

   if Id = 1 then Qry1.ExecNonQuery("update tbl2 set field2 = 10")
Qry .TransactionSuccessful

The value of variable Id was not 1, cause it was not committed yet, so the command to update tbl2 will always never executed.

Is there any way to solve this ?
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