iOS Question ITMS-90809 error with latest Facebook libs (local builder)


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After hours of searching the forums and trying what others have, and swapping various facebook sdk files, I am still at a loss.

Today I switched over to the local builder from the hosted builder. All seems to go well up until I attempt to include the iFacebook library in my project.

I've followed steps from this post ( updating the facebook libraries in B4iBuildServer/Libs.

When I submit to the app-store, it gets rejected with an e-mail: ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - App updates that use UIWebView will no longer be accepted as of December 2020. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability.

If I remove the reference to iFacebook in B4i and comment-out related code, it is accepted on the app-store.

This was building just fine a few weeks ago using the hosted builder, so it seems like an issue in the local builder but using the latest SDKs I can find on this forum does not resolve the problem.

B4i: v8.30
iFacebook Library in B4i: v2.05
B4i-Build Server: v8.10
Mac: v13.1
Xcode: v14.2


Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes, as mentioned in my first post, it works just fine in the hosted builder. I cannot test that "currently" though as my subscription with the hosted builder has lapsed. But it worked just a few weeks ago in the hosted builder. It's really beside the point, when using the local builder, its accepted without the iFacebook library, when I add it and recompile, it is not accepted. So the issue is narrowed down to the iFacebook library obviously. I am using the latest available ones from this forum. So unless there is any newer ones that I wasnt able to find, the issue appears to be in from my first post, that I am currently trying to build with.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
After trying with the hosted builder, it does get accepted on the app store connect with iFacebook checked. I switch to the local and gets declined with ITMS-90809. Uncheck iFacebook in b4i, and gets approved.
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