Share My Creation It's my first app,named my state.

When we come to the world.
we need to answer three question:
who i am?
where i came from?
where i will go ?
It's philosophical question.
But I think what the most important thing is what i feel at this moment.
This's the fourth question!When you want to answer this question,you have got the answer!
Espacilly,when i feel tired,sad,angry...If i can record it,and i see it ,then i feel it to myself.So i learn to adjust my state.
That's the porpuse what i want to do with this APP.
As you konw,I am a newbee in B4x and any other computer languages.
But I did it !
I have my first app.. exctied !
Learned so much from our community.I know I have not ability to help other now.I have to learn more from our community.
Thank you Erel ! I don't konw how to express... ,because you do so much to our community.
Thank you Klaus ! your Xchart library is so marvelous !
Thank you all ! I cann't show my gratitude to every one !

UI is rough!
Code is not elegant!
You can change it as you like!



Licensed User
Longtime User
(just so you know, there's no file attached, in case you meant to do that)


Licensed User
Longtime User
I know I have not ability to help other now
Don't worry, the most important word you've used in this sentence is "NOW"... but it will come... so keep on pushing and congrats for your first APP¡¡


At first I upload the all project file .It's a mistake! File is a litte big.
Sorry ! I used a wrong way to upload the file.

Export as zip !

You need to create a shared file youself.


    66.3 KB · Views: 280


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Longtime User


Just have a try!
Pay some time to yourself !
You will find something difference .
Share you feeling about it .
What the important thing is that care yourself more!