B4A Library JavaObject library

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What is your version of the JavaObject library?


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It is just red underlined and says "Syntax error".

The Version of B4A I use is Version 3.82
JavaObject version 1.25
jdk version is 1.7.0_02
android.jar is under android-13

Maybe one of this versions are too old ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Maybe there is an invisible character on this line which causes this problem. Can you upload your project (File - Export as zip)?
I found it, it was a invisible character on this line. I deleted the line and typed it (and not copied it) new and it worked


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Hello. I'm trying to complete one action comented bellow (Post #18).

The main objective is clean media library when one file is deleted. I found that in "scan_Event" I have to write this java code, but I don't know how traslate to V4A.

Any idea??


Private void scanaddedFile(String Path) {
    Try {
        MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(context, new String[] { Path },
                Null, new MediaScannerConnection.OnScanCompletedListener() {
                    Public void onScanCompleted(String Path, Uri Uri) {
                        Log.i("ExternalStorage", "Scanned " + Path + ":");
                        Log.i("ExternalStorage", "-> uri=" + Uri);

///////////// This line clean the media library in ScanCompleted event /////////////////////
                        context.getContentResolver().delete(Uri, Null, Null);  //This code clean the media libary from deleted file
///////////// This line clean the media library in ScanCompleted event /////////////////////
    } Catch (Exception e) {

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   Dim MediaScanner As JavaObject
   'Create the interface
   Dim e As Object = MediaScanner.CreateEvent("android.media.MediaScannerConnection.OnScanCompletedListener", "scan", Null)
   MediaScanner.RunMethod("scanFile", Array As Object(GetContext, _
     Array As String(File.Combine(File.DirRootExternal, "1.jpg")), _
     Null, _
End Sub

Sub scan_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
   Log("Path = " & Args(0))
   Log("Uri = " & Args(1))

///////////// This line clean the media library in ScanCompleted event /////////////////////
HERE ??? (JAVA to V4A) context.getContentResolver().delete(Uri, Null, Null);  //This code clean the media libary from deleted file
///////////// This line clean the media library in ScanCompleted event /////////////////////

   Return False
End Sub

Sub GetContext As Object
   Dim jo As JavaObject = Activity
   Return jo.RunMethod("getContext", Null)
End Sub

Johan Schoeman

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I am using library JavaObject V2.01 and it reports "The XML was improperly formatted. Please escape it if necessary" when using InitializeContext. Is there a later version of this library on the B4A forum where this has been sorted?

Robert Valentino

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Sub CreateScaledBitmap(Original As Bitmap, Width As Int, Height As Int) As Bitmap
  Dim bo As JavaObject
  Dim bmp As Bitmap = bo.RunMethod("createScaledBitmap", Array As Object(Original, Width, Height, False))
  Return bmp
End Sub

When I try the above code I get an Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: createScaledBitmap not matched.

ALSO get the same error (NOT MATCHED) if I try the following code:

       Dim JavaObj   As JavaObject
   RoundBitmap = JavaObj.RunMethod("extractThumbnail", Array As Object(RoundBitmap, ((RoundBitmap.Width * 50)/100), ((RoundBitmap.Height * 50)/100), False))


B4X founder
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Just tried this code and it works:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   Log(CreateScaledBitmap(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "image.png"), 100, 100))
End Sub

Sub CreateScaledBitmap(Original As Bitmap, Width As Int, Height As Int) As Bitmap
  Dim bo As JavaObject
  Dim bmp As Bitmap = bo.RunMethod("createScaledBitmap", Array As Object(Original, Width, Height, False))
  Return bmp
End Sub


Active Member
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Hello that looks all very powerful - but as a complete Java-ignorant person I wonder if there is some reference webpage that lists and explains all these available methods like "createscaledBitmap" etc.
I'm sure there are thousands of these, how can we look them up ?
Thanks for some ideas,


Active Member
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Thanks Manfred, probably a very obvious place to look.
Nevertheless it's hard stuff for non-java people like me , especially it has little examples. But it's a start. For example i could not figure out how to get an image from the clipboard (for text we got a library)
Thanks, Chris


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I develop a software using an external bluetooth printer.It works fine. But I received a device with built-in printer. The vendor sent me the SDK and library and Eclipse example.
The library ,named j1009.jar has a folder with 2 files (.so files)

I copied the library and the folder inside VB4A libraries folder.

From the eclipse I attach the library class structure

I read your post and tried to use the library in several ways but allways received an error message

I show the last attempt I wrote, but it is not the only one.


Sub GetContext As JavaObject
Return GetBA.GetField("context")
End Sub

Sub GetBA As JavaObject
Dim jo As JavaObject
Dim cls As String = Me
cls = cls.SubString("class ".Length)
Return jo.GetFieldJO("processBA")
End Sub

Sub printe AsJavaObject

Dim jo AsJavaObject

Return jo.InitializeStatic("com.bw.spdev.Printer")

End Sub

Sub Button3_Click

Return printe.RunMethodJO("PrintString",Array("ggggg"))

End Sub

When click on button3, the error message is :
An error in sub:java.lang
expected received of type com.bw.spdev.printer ,but got java.lang.Class<com.bw.spdev.Printer>

Vendor's documentation for Printer class incluye ….. Printer.PrintString(string)

Any help or technical orientation would be appreciated. If you need more information I will suply.

ANother question is Can I build a VB4A library from eclipse based in this j1009 library ‘?

Thanks in advance for your time and beg your pardon if the question is silly (I am not java developer)


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