B4J Library jFXtrasControls library


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Great, Thanks

This works

Sub mnuRemote_Action

    Window.Initialize("Window", True)
    Window.Title = "RF Remote Test"
    MainForm.RootPane.AddNode(Window, 239, 122, 504, 500)
End Sub



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google traslator
Hello Agraham
great job
I have a problem with that do not solve JFXtrasDateTextField
version 1.40 and 1.05 of b4j
Example open your sample project forum
if you write in Sub AppStart ...
DateField.Initialize ("DateField")
MainForm.RootPane.AddNode (DateField, 250, 300, 75, 0)
DateField.DateTime = 1388906880000

The value on the screen changes okkk .. 05/01/2014
but if you delete the row DateField.DateTime = 1388906880000
and put it in a button .. example
sub btnAddCrumbs_Action
DateField.DateTime = 1388906880000
How does it work


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Could it be possible to add the possibility to retrieve the date range selected in the Date Picker? At the moment setting the date picker mode to "Multiple" or "Range" only returns a single date.

Thanks for this library, great work!


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I think I found a bug in the DateField:
  1. When I select twice the same date in the DateField, I get a java.lang.NullPointerException Error.
Thank you for your work. This library is very useful to me, I use it with my Agenda control. Could you fix this bug if you have some time?

Sorry, I should have made that property read-only. You can't change either DateTextField or TimeTextField programmatically.
The weird thing with that, is that the first time you set the dateTime, it actually works, but the subsequent times, it doesn't....

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Hello Agraham and Thanks for all
You can add the event TextChanged and/or FocusChanged for JFXtrasDateTextField?
I ask you to avoid this you can manually edit the textfield for obvious reasons.
Is better to disable the manual editing.


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How to use the XYControl events
XChanged and YChanged events added to XYControl
Those members are not generated by the Designer. I had added to the fxml file the line
<?import jfxtras.labs.scene.control.gauge.*?>
Is that also right when using Controls rather than gauges?

In addition, having added to your sample code this line
Private xy1 As JFXtrasXYControl
a lot of warning lines are produced
Thanks for an answer.
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Using your Library "JFXtrasWindow"

Dim Window As JFXtrasWindow

In your example...

Dim btn1, btn2 AsButton
btn1.Text = "Button1"
Window.ContentPane.AddNode(btn1, 10, 10, 100, 18)

Dim txt As TextField
txt.Text = "Help with Font Size"
Window.ContentPane.AddNode(txt, 10, 10, 100, 18)

How can I change the Font Size for btn1 or txt?

Thank you!


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Figured it out. I need to study the fx commands more

txt.Style="-fx-font-size: 12px"
Now I need to know how to Wrap Text.

txt.style="-fx-wrap-text: true" **** DID NOT WORK

any suggestions?



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Very Nice Agraham,
On Java 8 this demo give errors any help for this.

Thanks for help


How do you use this library with B4J? I have copied it in a directory and configured the additional libraries. even copied it in the main B4J lib directory. stil does not work (and by copy i mean this file: jfxtras-labs-2.2-r5.jar) apologies brand new to B4J still learning the basics.


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If you use Java 8 this library will not work also the demo will not.
Java 7.xx will
For Java 8 there is a new jfxtras...8 .jar
This is not yet available in B4j


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Thank you sir. That explains a bit. I am using Java 8 JDK
If you remove Java 8 and instal Java 7 then it will work very well.


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Hi Agraham,

Is it possible to fix this Library for Java 8.
I think Java 7 will go away in a short time.


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I downloaded the jFXtrasControlsDemo1.4.zip from post 1, looks very exciting to me - but trying to start the demo gives the error:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/SkinBase

I was looking for this com.sun.javafx.scene ... on the internet did not give me any reasonable result, just bla bla that this is not available yet on JDK 8 .. but Erel obviously was able to start it :-(
Anyone have an idea what is missing here ?

Thanks a lot,


PS: OK, got it in the post 34 - with java 7 it worked, so I also hope to see the new version for JDK 8, Thank you
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Hello Agraham,
Could you please tell me how can i detect if the window is already open ? and if is opened to show it.
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Thank you
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