Jobs at Anywhere Software!


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All organizations' websites.. including IBM, CNN, IRS, KGB, FBI to the count of the 3-letter list -1.. they all have a page for jobs or employment.. something like Join US, Work for US, Employment.. etc. anything similar on I can't see.
I think human race is losing everyday while our brain cells are locked outside b4x development team ;)

Hay Erel, just joking, don't call me if you don't want to mess with your code.


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Did you see how Erel manages B4A , B4J , B4I and B4R and how he replies to forum threads ? I don't think he needs any employees :D


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Longtime User
In Portugal we have a joke, that could almost directly relate to EREL....

In a job interview, EREL asked the candidate:
- How do you feel about working 48h per day?
The puzzled candidate replied:
- But the day only has 24h!
to witch EREL replied...
- Well, here, at Anywhere Soft, we also work at night!