B4J Library jRLDialogsX - Dialogs Library

jRLDialogsX is an open source B4J Dialogs Library providing a comprehensive set of Dialogs.
The library is coded as a B4J Class with Inline Java, no additional libraries or wrappers required.
Note: Requirements minimum B4J v5.80 and Java JDK v8 (8u40+).

Version: 1.88 - Attached the B4J library, source code, full example.

How to Use
  • Copy jrldialogsx.jar, jrldialogsxfiles.jar and xml to the B4J additional library folder.
  • In the B4J project, select jrldialogsx from the B4J IDE Libs tab.
  • See folder Examples - the fullexample is a must read, get started with the InformationDialog.
Version Control
20221122 (v1.88) NEW: Set button CSS style; AlertSelectionDialog (buttons selection); CustomAlert (hightly configurable dialog) (See Post #91)
20190407 (v1.87) NEW: SimpleFormDialog - DatePicker via option "D"; YesNoCancel dialog - if Cancel text is empty, the cancel button is not created;NEW: ListDialog, ListDialog2 - if DefaultItem = -1 then no item selected;UPD: Documentation & Examples; Published on GitHub
20180326 (v1.86) NEW: ListFindDialog Set or get content of textfield FindItem
20180312 (v1.85) NEW: DidYouKnow2 dialog with prev / next tip buttons; ExtendedDialog Show or hide the less details hyperlink button; UPD: ListFindDialog search field across dialog window, moved buttons OK & cancel down; UPD: Documentation & Examples. See Post #73
20171025 (v1.80) NEW: jRLDialogsXFiles.jar holding additional files from the library Files folder. This file must be located in the B4J Additional Libraries folder.; NEW: ListFindDialog with a find item option - first non Inline Java Dialog (requires jRLDialogsXFiles.jar); UPD: Icons (for dialogs DidYouKnow and LoginDialog2) are included in jRLDialogsXFiles.jar; UPD: LoginDialog and Login2Dialog2 with textfield horizontal grow option; UPD: Documentation & Examples. See Post #60
20170906 (v1.77) UPD: SimpleformDialog set request focus on first field; UPD: Minor changes
20170822 (v1.76) NEW: Library renamed from jRLDialogs8 to jRLDialogsX; UPD: Minor changes
20170802 (v1.75) NEW: PDF Documentation
20170711 (v1.74) NEW: SimpleFormDialog ComboBox Field with field value comma separated string, SimpleFormDialog Property ComboBox editable; UPD: Examples. See Post #60
20170703 (v1.72) NEW:ToastMessageAlert Information,Warning,Error; MessageHTMLDialog3 with OK/Cancel, MessageHTML show/hide details button; UPD: Examples. See Post #58
20170626 (v1.68) NEW:MessageDialog set wrap;SimpleFormDialog set inputfield width;MessageHTMLDialog2;Overview;UPD:Examples. See Post #56
20170620 (v1.65) NEW:Localization Show Details Hyperlink Button for Dialogs Extended, Message, MessageHTML; NEW: Extended Dialog option Message & MessageHTML Dialogs;UPD: Examples. See Post #55
20170612 (v1.62) NEW:SliderDialog; NEW:SimpleFormDialog CheckBox Field; NEW: Extended Dialog option show content expanded; NEW: DoNotAskAgainDialog; UPD: Fields padding removed; UPD: Examples. See Post #53.
20170601 (v1.59) NEW:SimpleFormDialog TextArea Field, option to split form fields; FIX: ConfirmDialog; UPD: Examples. See Post #50.
20170531 (v1.58) NEW:ToastMessage set background and border line color; UPD: Examples. See Post #49.
20170530 (v1.57) NEW:ColorNameDialog and ColorPickerDialog to get Color as Paint; NEW:ToastMessage set font size and border width; UPD:Toastmessage using default colors; UPD:Examples. See Post #47.
20170528 (v1.56) NEW:SimpleFormDialog (create n label:field pairs; field=Text or Password or Numeric); MultiInputFieldDialog (create n label:textfield pairs); IntegerInputDialog; Full Example reworked. See Post #46.
20170525 (v1.53) NEW:TimePicker (24h), TimePicker (12h), TextInputDialog4 (with option to set the width of the textfield, no label used); More examples. See Post #44.
20170522 (v1.50) NEW:String localisation Username Label/Prompt, Password Label/Prompt, OK/Cancel Button, YES/NO Button, Login Button, Select Button. See Post #42.
20160801 (v1.47) UPD:Set default selected item for ChoiceDialog, SelectDialog, ListDialog, and ListDialog2; Example 1 converted to B4J Visual Designer.
20160411 (v1.46) UPD:MessageHTMLDialog handles anchors if defined like href="#myanchor" ... name="myanchor" ...
20151011 (v1.45) UPD:Textfield gets initial focus when openeing dialog TextInputDialog, TextInputDialog2, TextInputDialog3, LoginDialog, LoginDialog2, TextAreaDialog
20150910 (v1.40) NEW:SetParentWindow; FIX: ToastMessage center screen
20150828 (v1.30) NEW:ToastMessage
20150604 (v1.20 )NEW:TextAreaDialog
20150617 (v1.11) UPD:TextInputDialog3 added hint for checking null
20150512 (v1.10) NEW:TextInputDialog3
20150406 (v1.00) NEW:SpinnerIntegerDialog, SpinnerDoubleDialog, SpinnerListDialog
20150405 (v0.90) NEW:TextInputDialog2, DatePickerDialog
20150404 (v0.80) NEW:SelectDialog; FIX: ListDialog, ListDialog2 removed expand option
20150403 (v0.70) NEW:ListDialog, ListDialog2
20150402 (v0.60) NEW:LoginDialog2, DidYouKnowDialog, ExceptionDialog, Message, MessageHTMLDialog
20150401 (v0.50) NEW:ExtendedDialog, LoginDialog
20150331 (v0.40) NEW:YesNoCancelDialog
20150330 (v0.10) NEW:First Version

Simple Example Information Dialog with localized OK Button Text
Sub Process_Globals
  'Define the dialog using jrldialogsX
  Private Dlg As DialogsX
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
  'Init the dialog
  'Localize (optional)
  Dlg.OKButtonText = "Thank You"
  'Use the dialog to show Information Dialog
  Dlg.InformationDialog("About", "jRLDialogX Information Dialog Example", "Hello World")
End Sub


  • jRLDialogsX-188.zip
    137.2 KB · Views: 348
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Thanks for the lib. When a warningdialog is showed , if I do not click on the x button to close the windows and click on somewhere in the form other than the dialog , dialog is lost and app is frozen. is there any way to fix it ?


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When a warningdialog is showed , if I do not click on the x button to close the windows and click on somewhere in the form other than the dialog , dialog is lost and app is frozen. is there any way to fix it ?

The warning dialog is a modal dialog, means the dialog has to be closed first befor returning to the caller form.

Have tested the warning dialog with a simple example (attached) and could not reproduce the issue.
Could you pls share a code example, so I can test - you can also sent me a PN.
Which version of the library do you use?

Thanks for bringing up - Appreciated.


  • warningdialog.zip
    2.1 KB · Views: 520


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The warning dialog is a modal dialog, means the dialog has to be closed first befor returning to the caller form.

Hello thanks for response , verison 1.74
Have tested the warning dialog with a simple example (attached) and could not reproduce the issue.
Could you pls share a code example, so I can test - you can also sent me a PN.
Which version of the library do you use?

Thanks for bringing up - Appreciated.
Just tested your example , it still happens for me. What i do is : click on show warning , when worning comes , instead of clicking the dialog i click on the other pane staying on back. Please check the video:


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Just tested your example , it still happens for me. What i do is : click on show warning , when worning comes , instead of clicking the dialog i click on the other pane staying on back.

Does this also happen in the example, when adding Dlg.SetParentWindow(MainForm), i.e. in AppStart after Dlg.Initialize
  'Init Dialogs8 - DO NOT FORGET

Which Java Version do you use?


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Does this also happen in the example, when adding Dlg.SetParentWindow(MainForm), i.e. in AppStart after Dlg.Initialize
  'Init Dialogs8 - DO NOT FORGET

Which Java Version do you use?
Ah ,

This has fixed the problem :

Thanks very much !


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Your welcome - based on the conversation will amend the library documentation = currently transforming to PDF format.

Thanks for the video, visualizing in general is of great help.


Licensed User
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Wow, I love the 'Did you know?' dialog a lot lot. Can I please make a small request about that, please?

As an example I'd like to read through the did you know topics, clicking perhaps a 'previous' and 'next' button. At the moment it means I have to click a button to show each did you know item. Perhaps feeding it a map of did you know topics before it loads and then one can scroll one topic to another, starting from the last topic that was read. Closing will return last item read / save it so that we start there next time. Hope it makes sense?

I hope this will receive your favourable attention. Thanks a mil.


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Update v1.80 (see Post #1)

NEW: jRLDialogsXFiles.jar holding additional files from the library Files folder. This file must be located in the B4J Additional Libraries folder.
NEW: ListFindDialog with a find item option - first non Inline Java Dialog (requires jRLDialogsXFiles.jar)
UPD: Icons (for dialogs DidYouKnow and LoginDialog2) are included in jRLDialogsXFiles.jar
UPD: LoginDialog and Login2Dialog2 with textfield horizontal grow option
UPD: SimpleformDialog set request focus on first field
NEW: Library renamed from jRLDialogs8 to jRLDialogsX

Reply Post #68: Thanks for the hint. Had been developing the library further, but forgot to update this thread (my bad).

IMPORTANT: Library renamed to jRLDialogX. Any reference to the Dialogs8 object must be changed to DialogsX.
Furthermore an additional Java Archive is added, which holds the files from the library Files folder. So far the library used Inline Java for defining the dialogs, but wanted to be able to define dialog classes beyond Inline Java Dialogs. Explored several solutions and came up using an additional jar. The jar holds the layouts and icons (or any additional file required). For next library versions will use more additional classes.
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Well-Known Member
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Wow, I love the 'Did you know?' dialog a lot lot. Can I please make a small request about that, please?
As an example I'd like to read through the did you know topics, clicking perhaps a 'previous' and 'next' button. At the moment it means I have to click a button to show each did you know item. Perhaps feeding it a map of did you know topics before it loads and then one can scroll one topic to another, starting from the last topic that was read. Closing will return last item read / save it so that we start there next time. Hope it makes sense?

Thanks for the request. Work in progress for next library version - expected end november. Here already a screenshot of the solution for Did You Know 2 Dialog.
The tips are passed as a list containing strings. The textarea wrap property is set. The tip can hold placeholder #CRLF# to set hard CRLF. The buttons prev/next have fontawesome style.



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Thanks for the request. Work in progress for next library version - expected end november. Here already a screenshot of the solution for Did You Know 2 Dialog.
The tips are passed as a list containing strings. The textarea wrap property is set. The tip can hold placeholder #CRLF# to set hard CRLF. The buttons prev/next have fontawesome style.

View attachment 61429
Sorry to bother but did you ever come across to update the "Did you know?" dialogs?



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Update v1.85 (see Post #1)

NEW: DidYouKnow2 Dialog with prev / next tip buttons (see Post #71; Reply to Post #72)
NEW: ExtendedDialog Show or hide the less details hyperlink button
UPD: ListFindDialog search field across dialog window, moved buttons OK & Cancel below the search field
UPD: Documentation & Examples
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Licensed User
Link on post #1 refuses to work for me - 404 error.

Is there another repository where I could get a copy?


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What about adding a ProgressDialog? You know, one with a spinny circle just like the Android version until its called to go away.


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I've just found this lib, wow...you really did a very good work!
Thank you very much.
Just some suggestions to make it closer to what we are used to do with B4A:

1) If the text property of a button is an empty string then the button will be hidden. For example Dlg.YesNoCancelDialog won't show Cancel button if Dlg.Dlg.CancelButtonText=""

2) The height of a ListDialog is automatically set according to the number of the items of the list.

3) If Defaultitem=-1 then no item of the list will be highlighted.


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Thanks a Lot = Appreciated.

Please note: Have stopped (for now) making changes to this library.
In the archive (Post #1), the full source is included which enables to make changes yourself or someone else might be willing to do so.