B4J Library jSD: Bluetooth Printer

BT_Printer library allows you to print text and image to a bluetooth thermal printers
It is similar to the BT_Printer library for Android (BLE_Printer for iOS), and implementations, events and methods are almost identical.
We are working to have the same library for all platforms. On iOS it will be different because it uses BLE, but we will try to standardize the use.

This version requires an activation code. If you do not have a code then it will work in DEMO mode and you will only be able to print every 4 minutes.

Dependence: jBluetooth


Version: 0.08
  • BT_Printer
    • Events:
      • BluetoothIsDisabled
      • ConnectedToPrint (Success As Boolean)
      • DataReceived (Buffer() As Byte)
      • DiscoveryComplete (Printers As Map)
      • DiscoveryFinished
      • DiscoveryNewPrinter (Name As String, MacAdress As String)
      • DiscoveryNoDeviceFound
      • ErrorDiscovery
      • SendingError (Mac As String)
    • Functions:
      • AddBuffer_ArrayByte (B As Byte()) As String
      • AddBuffer_BarCode (Code As String) As String
      • AddBuffer_Bitmap (Bmp As Image, ShiftLeft As Int) As String
      • AddBuffer_List_Write (list As List) As String
      • AddBuffer_List_WriteLine (list As List) As String
      • AddBuffer_Tab (ArrayTab As Int()) As String
      • AddBuffer_Write (Text As String) As String
      • AddBuffer_WriteLine (Text As String) As String
      • CenterJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • Class_Globals As String
      • ClearBuffer As String
      • Close As String
      • Connected As Boolean
      • flushAllAndClose As String
      • Initialize (CallBack As Object, EventName As String, EncodingType As String, CodeActivation As String) As String
        Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
      • LeftJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • RightJustify As String
        after this command calls SendBufferToPrinter
      • SearchNewPrinter As String
      • SelectFromMac (Mac As String) As String
      • SendBufferToPrinter
    • Properties:
      • Spacing
        after setSpacing command calls SendBufferToPrinter
    • Fields:
      • BoldOff As String
      • BoldOn As String
      • DoubleOff As String
      • DoubleOn As String
      • FontA_Bold As String
      • FontA_DoubleHight As String
      • FontA_DoubleWide As String
      • FontA_DoubleWideHeight As String
      • FontA_Normal As String
      • FontB_Bold As String
      • FontB_DoubleHeight As String
      • FontB_DoubleWide As String
      • FontB_DoubleWideHeight As String
      • FontB_Normal As String
      • Horizzontal As String
      • InitializePrinter As String
      • ItalicFontOff As String
      • ItalicFontOn As String
      • NoUnderline As String
      • QueryErrorCauses As String
      • QueryOfflineCauses As String
      • QueryPaperStatus As String
      • QueryPrinterStatus As String
      • Underline1 As String
      • Underline2 As String
      • Vertical As String
    • Functions:
      • Process_Globals As String
  • Encoding
    • Fields:
      • Chinese As String
      • ChineseS As String
      • Code_PC437 As Int
      • Code_PC850 As Int
      • Code_PC857 As Int
      • Code_PC858 As Int
      • Code_PC860 As Int
      • Code_PC863 As Int
      • Code_WPC1252 As Int
      • DOS_Latin_1 As String
      • IBM_PC As String
      • ISO8859 As String
      • UTF8 As String
      • Windows1252 As String
    • Functions:
      • Process_Globals As String

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Licensed User
Longtime User
This library has been replaced by jSD_EscPosPrinter which also supports USB connection