My name is Darren, aged 29 and live in the UK. I've done a fair bit of VB6 programming in the past. Never really made the move to .net. Also done a good bit of ASP Classic (VBScript) so you could say I was a VB lover. In the past I've always had Symbian phones and used MShell to write 'scripts'. Recently upgraded and decided to give Android a go. Got myself an HTC Desire Z (or G2 or Vision, Whatever you want to call it lol). Instantly stated to look into developing apps for it. This is my first go at mobile apps and with my past experience you can imagine my horror to read everything was Java :S. Got myself a few books and started reading...... Head blag.
Then stumbled upon B4A and nearly wet my pants. Downloaded the trial to see if it was as good as it sounds and paid up last night for the full version. Loving it so far. Feel much more at home with it. Eclipse just seems so much hard work. Looking forward to churning out some apps but for now I'm a Learner. Thanks to everyone involved in making this happen.
Then stumbled upon B4A and nearly wet my pants. Downloaded the trial to see if it was as good as it sounds and paid up last night for the full version. Loving it so far. Feel much more at home with it. Eclipse just seems so much hard work. Looking forward to churning out some apps but for now I'm a Learner. Thanks to everyone involved in making this happen.