iOS Code Snippet Keep Track of Pages (getCurrentPage) [e.g. Access Network Dialog workaround]

Hi everyone, i want to share a stupid piece of code that could be useful (to me it did).
I had the need to know what was the page displayed when Application_Active sub is fired -> this is the post

What I did

Create a code module where i save all the useful functions and created a single function to move between pages.
Everytime it is called, the page is saved in the navigationcontroller tag
Sub GoToPage(PageModule As Object, PageObject As Page, Animated As Boolean)
    If PageObject.IsInitialized Then
        Main.NavControl.ShowPage2(PageObject, Animated)
        Main.NavControl.ShowPage2(CallSub(PageModule, "Initialize"), Animated)
    End If
    Main.NavControl.Tag = PageObject
End Sub

Then, in the Application_Active sub i did this:
Private Sub Application_Active
    If NavControl.Tag <> Null Then
        Select NavControl.Tag
            Case PageModule.PageObject
        End Select
    End If
End Sub

Don't forget to put
NavControl.Tag = Null
in the Application_Start Sub

NOTE: you should update the NavControl.Tag when you call the .PageStack function too, and putting the first page in it.

Why i did it

I did it because of the fact that Apple after i install my compiled app asks for the permission to Access The Network... while you don't allow you are not able to do REST requests, and the dialog is NOT BLOCKING.
Giving the fact that my app needs to download some datas with GET requests just after the opening, i had trouble for the first start because the httpjob fails. SO
i tried to make it "blocking like" this way:

I also made a Question post a while ago about this "issue" -> here
Thanks to @Semen Matusovskiy , @Alex_197 and others that helped me.
Semen suggested to checking the status using UDP.. but honestly i did not manged to work in that way (pretty sure it's my fault). i used POST requests.. maybe if someone find out how to replace a POST with something better it will be cool :D

This is how i did it (is still a bit glitchy :/)

Sub Process_Globals
    Dim sf As NativeObject
End Sub

Private Sub Application_Background
    If sf.IsInitialized Then
        sf.RunMethod("dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated:", Array(-1, True)) 'programmatically close the msgbox
        sf = Null
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Application_Active
    If NavControl.Tag <> Null Then
        Select NavControl.Tag
            Case SplashscreenPg ' It do the check only if i am in the splashscreen
                Wait For (AccessNetworkEnabled) Complete (resAccess As Boolean)
                If resAccess Then  ' True or False'           
                    ' OK, GOOD TO GO
                End If
        End Select
    End If
End Sub

Sub AccessNetworkEnabled As ResumableSub
   ' i try to make a useless POST request to an endpoint on my server that just answers "ok"
   ' i noticed that a POST request will fail until the user allow the access
    Wait For (RichiesteAPI1.PostTest) Complete (resPostTest As Boolean)
    If resPostTest == False Then
        If App.OSVersion >= 8 Then 'if the os version is greater then 8 i can open the settings page of my app in Settings App of iOS
            If Not(sf.IsInitialized) Then
                sf = Msgbox2("Msg", "Seems like you didn't allow for access the network", "Not Allowed", Array ("Allow Now"))
                Wait For Msg_Click (ButtonText As String)
                If ButtonText = "Allow now" Then
               End If
           End If
            Msgbox("Seems like you didn't allow for access the network", "Not Allowed")
        End If
        Return False
        If sf.IsInitialized Then
            sf.RunMethod("dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated:", Array(-1, True)) 'programmatically close the msgbox
        End If
        Return True
    End If
End Sub
