Un amico di B4A Meli Massimo ha gentilmente provveduto ad aggiornare l'interessante ed utile libreria WiFi Connect. Riporto sotto il mio post che ho messo nel Forum di B4A:
A B4A friend "Meli Massimo" provided a library update (Beta version) to test with the following methods:
- DisconnectFromSSID (networkSSID as string)
- GetConfiguredNetworks
- GetWiFiEnabled
- SetWiFiEnabled (enabled as boolean)
- GetWiFiState
Anyone wish to test and improve this useful WiFi library ?
I'm trying to implement a network switch using this library.
So I wish to programmatically change the WiFi connection from a SSID to another SSID.
Attached you can find also the java version.
Un amico di B4A Meli Massimo ha gentilmente provveduto ad aggiornare l'interessante ed utile libreria WiFi Connect. Riporto sotto il mio post che ho messo nel Forum di B4A:
A B4A friend "Meli Massimo" provided a library update (Beta version) to test with the following methods:
- DisconnectFromSSID (networkSSID as string)
- GetConfiguredNetworks
- GetWiFiEnabled
- SetWiFiEnabled (enabled as boolean)
- GetWiFiState
Anyone wish to test and improve this useful WiFi library ?
I'm trying to implement a network switch using this library.
So I wish to programmatically change the WiFi connection from a SSID to another SSID.
Attached you can find also the java version.