Italian Libreria WiFi Connect aggiornata


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Un amico di B4A Meli Massimo ha gentilmente provveduto ad aggiornare l'interessante ed utile libreria WiFi Connect. Riporto sotto il mio post che ho messo nel Forum di B4A:

A B4A friend "Meli Massimo" provided a library update (Beta version) to test with the following methods:

- DisconnectFromSSID (networkSSID as string)
- GetConfiguredNetworks
- GetWiFiEnabled
- SetWiFiEnabled (enabled as boolean)
- GetWiFiState

Anyone wish to test and improve this useful WiFi library ?
I'm trying to implement a network switch using this library.

So I wish to programmatically change the WiFi connection from a SSID to another SSID.

Attached you can find also the java version.


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