Android Question Loading... message delayed until download almost complete

Britt Paty

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Hi, I'm not sure why this is happening, but the loading gif I use during the downloading of an image doesn't display until well after the visibility property has been set to true and almost when the download has been completed. The Panel visibility is set to True the first line of code after the download button is clicked Like this:

Sub DownloadCategoryImageNames(Category As String)
DownloadingPanel.Visible = True
Log("Start Download...")

Dim SqlStr As String = "SELECT * FROM Posts Where Category = '" &
End Sub

Sub ImgForward_Click
If ImageCount > 0 Then
End Sub

The DownloadingPanel appears a few seconds after the download starts and well after the "Start Download..." log entry appears. I don't know why this is happening. Any ideas?


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