B4J Question [Solved]Mac and jssc


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I have a b4j application working as expected on Linux and Windows .
It runs ok on Mac using b4j-bridge.
I build it without errors using MacSigner v1.0.1 on my Mac, but trying to execute run.command I get an error in the console:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load the jssc library: Couldn't load library library jssc
    at b4j/jssc.SerialNativeInterface.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
    at b4j/jssc.SerialPortList.<clinit>(Unknown Source)

Any idea how to add jssc in this context, as the app runs as expected on the same Mac and using the same java through b4j-bridge?


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I have the line
#CustomBuildAction: After Packager, %WINDIR%\System32\robocopy.exe, ..\ temp\build\bin\ jssc.dll

The packaged application (using internal packager in B4J) works perfect on Windows, only on Mac (packaged with MacSigner) I get the error.
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The issue seems to be related to MacSigner.
If I run the app on the Mac with
jdk-14.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -jar --module-path javafx-sdk-16/lib --add-modules javafx.controls myjar.jar
Is working as expected, with no errors.
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Carefully follow these instructions:

1. Open jssc.jar with 7zip and extract osx_64\libjssc.dylib
2. Build a release app and copy it to the Mac (or rename tempjar/AsyncInputX).
3. Click on the Link button in MacSigner.
4. Copy libjssc.dylib to build/lib/
5. Click on the package button.

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Thank you. Works, with the latest available one (jssc-2.9.4.jar).
Now I have another problem with the MacSigner, but I will post a new thread for it.
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