B4J Question Mac Store says app capturing key strokes


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Hi All,

Have you encountered and resolved these 2 issues when submitting to Mac Store..


The 2nd issue apparently is a new requirement for Catalina OSX
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Hi Erel,

That's great to hear for issue with Key strokes. I look forward to that revision of B4JPacker11 and other prerequisites like jdk14 on both the windows and Mac side.

On issue with class name and Doc Name I'm attaching the images to hopefully better state the anomally. This issue is one in which the Doc Name is showing Java, I can fix this by changing the Java executable to ProgramName, however the Class Name showing in the menu box supposed to show programname only. I tried and cannot be fixed with Java -Xdock:name=programname, however plz note the -Xdock:icon=iconname works still to change the icon (I didnt insert an image to reflect the icon compliance)

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I found two suggestions to programatically achieve changing the Name in the submenu from class name to just program name via java code.

System.setProperty("com.apple.mrj.application.apple.menu.about.name", "Alfabet"); Application.getApplication().setDockIconImage(icon); EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run()

The other is..

private static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "Menu bar & dock demo";
private static final String APPLICATION_ICON = "/resources/app-icon.png";

 * Launch the application.
public static void main(String[] args) {
          // These calls must come before any AWT or Swing code is called,
          // otherwise the Mac menu bar will use the class name as the application name.
          System.setProperty("apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar", "true");
          OSXHelper.setMacMenuAboutNameAndDockIcon(args, APPLICATION_NAME, APPLICATION_ICON);
     // Ok proceed with launch
     System.setProperty("java.net.preferIPv4Stack", "true");
     EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
     public void run() {
               try {
                    Demo window = new Demo();
               } catch (Exception e) {
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Yep set Bundle Name in info.plist. unfortunately that works for the App executable but then that launches Java in a shell which creates the separate Java dock and menu item. For which -Xdock:name supposed to do the trick but that no longer works. What I found online posted prior is the work around but via java code in the main class only.
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Im sorry to confess I tried to do it the raw java code route but I lack the experience to produce the resultant jar file using the main.java produced by B4J I achieved producing the class files. Only someone of your experience can test this theory and know how to do it right.
I know in time it will be discovered by you and the team and we can then post many Apps priduced by b4j to Mac Store.
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Dear Erel,

Where will we be notified of the update to B4J to support Java14/Javafx14

I tried using B4J with Jdk14/Javafx14 using the directory structure for your Jdk11 package and I got the following error when compiling

B4J Version: 8.10
Java Version: 8
Parsing code.    (0.04s)
Building folders structure.    (0.01s)
Compiling code.    (0.04s)
ObfuscatorMap.txt file created in Objects folder.
Compiling layouts code.    (0.00s)
Organizing libraries.    (0.00s)
Compiling generated Java code.    Error
src\com\progwhiz\pdfmacviewer\main.java:17: error: package javafx.application does not exist
public class main extends javafx.application.Application{
1 error
only showing the first 1 errors, of 16 total; use -Xmaxerrs if you would like to see more

javac 14.0.1
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