iOS Question Maps SDK For iOS


Licensed User
Hi, I have a problem with GoogleMaps in B4i.

In the Google console (GCP), I see all the requests like "Billable Requests". I thought Maps SDK for iOS was free.

I use GoogleMaps in B4A and in the GCP all the requests are "Map Loads" (free).

Can anyone help me?



Licensed User
Longtime User
It is free, but you have to own a Google cloud account. To do this you will have to give billing details but you will not be charged for the use of maps but only if you use billable services like geocoding f.e. and only if you go over free tier.
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Licensed User
How do I know if I'm using billable services? This is my code

Sub AddMap
    gmap.Initialize("gmap", My_Google_API_Key)
    Panel_Map.AddView(gmap, 0, 0, Page_Width, Page_Height)

    If GPS_Position.IsAuthorized Then
        gmap.GetUiSettings.MyLocationButtonEnabled = True
        gmap.MyLocationEnabled = True
        Log("No permission!")
    End If
    Dim cp As CameraPosition
    cp.Initialize(Temp_Latitude, Temp_Longitude, 16)
    gmap.AddMarker3(Temp_Latitude, Temp_Longitude, Temp_Name, LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "marker.png"))
End Sub
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Google provides maps completely free of charge for mobile apps given that you have created a google cloud account. With this fact you can use it forever for free. Other services of Google cloud can be charged if you go over the free tier. You can google 'Google cloud maps pricing'. Maybe when this is clear enough for you, you should also limit the usage of your API key to your app's package name just for security.
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Licensed User
Thank you for your answer but this morning I sent this morning my request to Google and said me:

"Maps SDK for Android and iOS are indeed free, with one exception, the Street View Panoramas. That is why in the quotas page you have 2 cards, and you can change 2 daily limits, the Map loads (that are free) and the billable requests (referring to the street view panoramas).

In iOS you can find the billable requests searching for GMSPanoramaView object.

I don't understand why my requests are all billable if I don't use Street View Panoramas
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