Mars Helicopter is dead


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They continue to waste billions, with millions of human beings having nothing to eat.

It's as if I took a broom to clean the streets near my house and didn't care how dirty the floors of my house are!


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I cannot do anything else but agree with you, partially at least. That is because without space research we may very well face the destiny of the dinosaurs some day. We already have made our first planetary defence experiment (DART) and now we are not completely defenceless against a bad-a** asteroid or comet. Don't you think this worths the penny? But I have to agree also with you because we cannot afford losing minds either by poverty or by criminal minds and certainly not by mindless leaders whose only thought is "let's slap each other in the head until there will be only one" ( - sounds kind of "I am Duncan Maccloud of the Maccloud family" from "Highlander - The immortal" except they are not). Meanwhile our common spaceship bleeds the life out of it but no, we are too busy slapping each other in the head...
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Is it some kind of drone for taking video of Perseverance rover landing?
I speculate it is because the Hollywood video production team quit and refuse to create more videos of Mars for NASA due to budget? (kidding) ?
These NASA gadgets will fail one by one and new one will deploy. eg. The James Webb telescope replaces the former and soon another new version will replace it. More and more money will be spent.


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That's the way progress occurs. You make a mistake, you learn from it, you don't do it again and the version ${iVersion + 1} will be more successful than the ${iVersion} one. As an old politician would say you cannot make homelette unless you break some eggs. The money are not lost because they pay back. If you have ever made an MRI exam the science behind it was developed by a professor who wanted to study the magnetic resonance of gases in space. The only sad thing is that we do not have a common money box as earthlings in which we will all put in it money for the needs of the most volnurable earthlings. We sacrifice this way a lot of useful minds.
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Now that I think of it, what our leaders do, is as if the starfleet members in Star Trek while being out there in space were shooting their phasers to each other inside the cockpit of Enterprise. What would happen if James Kirk was shooting his phaser against Dr. Spok and missed hitting the computers and systems of the cockpit? ???? Respect to those huge minds...
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