Share My Creation Mate Monster
Availlable now : Mate Monster

Music :
Programing and game level design: Hookshy

App done 100% b4a !

Special thanks to:
Wendelin - financial suport
Coffe Induced Games - source code
Ninja Dynamics -source code
Informatics- accelerated surface

'you tube video comming soon


If the game will stand on the market we most probably continue the work and add more levels.
Help us keep on going , review our work on google play !

What is new: Background more close to level design :)
Thank you
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just played this, hope you don't mind a few suggestions.

The controls are a little confusing, when I tap the screen the man jumps up a little, so I thougt I was meant to keep tapping to keep him in the air, I didn't realise I could move him around by dragging my finder on screen.

There no feeling of moving, if you were to scroll the bottom of the screen then you'd create a nice sense of movement, but right now it feels like the aliens are coming at you and you and your friend are just walking on the spot.

The game speed does not reset when you click try again after game over, so the game quickly becomes unplayable and you have to quit compltely and reload.

There is nothing stopping me moving the man off the screen, as as you are only checking for enemy weapons hitting the polayer on screen, then I can stay off screen kiling aliens forever without dieing. I just move off the left of the screen and never die.

Why am I staying close to my "mate" since nothing can kill him?

Nice graphics though, the animation runs very smooth and the sound effects work well.


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The controls are a little confusing, when I tap the screen the man jumps up a little, so I thougt I was meant to keep tapping to keep him in the air, I didn't realise I could move him around by dragging my finder on screen.
It happened to me to , some user might be confused because of the flappy bird app !
To fix this issue I will cancel the jump , very good issue report !!

There no feeling of moving, if you were to scroll the bottom of the screen then you'd create a nice sense of movement, but right now it feels like the aliens are coming at you and you and your friend are just walking on the spot.
I need to fix this by adding a background mouvement , I think of this ...I have done a mistake because the background accualy was very big and I cut it to fit the background ...will try to see how to do this ...

The game speed does not reset when you click try again after game over, so the game quickly becomes unplayable and you have to quit compltely and reload.
Bug ...because I can not understood how to control game pause , game play and it do starts updateanddraw twice
Menu for navigating seemed to me much complicated than the game itself

There is nothing stopping me moving the man off the screen, as as you are only checking for enemy weapons hitting the polayer on screen, then I can stay off screen kiling aliens forever without dieing. I just move off the left of the screen and never die.
It seems you are are a game developer if I guess well :)

Why am I staying close to my "mate" since nothing can kill him?
I thought about this issue ... I will try to add energy to the mate and gameover if mate is off energy , then add the monsters bite action ..keep shooting when they are away from the mate.

It seems that I have a lite work to do :)
I apreciate all that you have wrote and all were good issues that it worth working on.


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New version :
- T-rex energy status will force the player to defend him (Energy status bar)
- Fixed off screen issue
- Fixed bug with game speed initialisation due to unproper usage of ACSF.StartRegularUpdateAndDraw(16) , improved game menu navigation

-New egg falling after dino die prepare user for next levels
Hopping to build new video soon, working on new levels as well.


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nice update!
There's still a small bugt with the off screen issue. You're moving the player target position relative to the point the player first touches the screen, so when the player tries to move the man say once inch off the screen, moving the finger back again doesn't immediately move the man the other direction, as the player has to move that inch the other way first. So maybe set the target position to the limit of the screen, not just the mans position?
Alternatively, you could change your control scheme all together and copy the one from Jetpack Joyride :)


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another thing! sorry!

BUG: pressing a second finger on the screen then lifting your first finger causes the man to "teleport". The way I fix this in my games is to assign the pointer value returned by the touch down event to something like "move pointer" or "fire pointer", lthis way if a second finger is pressed onto the screen, you can test if the movepointer finger is already on teh screen and either do a second action for the second finger or ignore it. Then when touchup is triggered by a finger leaving the screen, check what pointer value it has to determine whether it was the first finger "move pointer" or second "fire pointer". I probably haven't explained this very well, I'll put some code below:

Sub IP_touchdown(screenX As Int, screenY As Int, pointer As Int)
                    'player touches on screen arrow controls
                    If (screenX > lArrow.x-vpW*0.16) And (screenX < lArrow.x+vpW*0.20) Then
                    Else If (screenX > rArrow.x) And (screenX < rArrow.x+vpW*0.36) Then
                    End If
                    'player touches fire button
                    If (screenX < fireButton.x+vpW*0.30) And (screenX > fireButton.x) Then
                        firing = True
                        firePointer = pointer
                    End If
end sub

Sub IP_TouchDragged(ScreenX As Int, ScreenY As Int, Pointer As Int)
   If Pointer = movePointer Then
                If (ScreenX > rArrow.x) And (ScreenX < rArrow.x+vpW*0.2) Then
                Else If (ScreenX > lArrow.x) And (ScreenX < lArrow.x+vpW*0.20) Then
           = 0
                End If
            End If
        End If
   End If
End Sub

Sub IP_touchup(screenX As Int, screenY As Int, pointer As Int)
'stop moving if move pointer lifted
    If pointer = movePointer Then = 0
        movePointer = 0
        If controlscheme = 2 Then firing = False
    End If
    'stop firing if firepointer lifted
    If pointer = firePointer Then
        firing = False
        firePointer = 0
    End If
end sub


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is this from a multitouch library ? I have done this with accelerated surface and not sure I have pointers ...
I did faced this issue that you have well described on my other app "CAD DIMENSIONS" I must think of this also ,will take a look at your code .

I have worked to add a new scenario from a backgound level creation asset !! and it is now live .
I have canceled the first static background ...this new background has also some bug that i do not find now...
New sound effects ...and will prepare a nice video comercial :)
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It's fun for now ...
The player and mate walk on same gound.y axis :) :rolleyes:
I think how I am going to go up and down ....and leave this autorute ...boring

If the downloads will drop down to 0 , it will be very hard to continue ....will taste disappointment
All my apps focus on this game advertising ....


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sorry,my code was using LibGDX.
I got the idea and working on it
Actually I did treated all your remarks from first post

Now I have new version : player can not hide anymore becase enemy is shooting right at him !!!
distance=speed*time and modified player.velocity.x and y