B4J Question Multiline text input - how do you do this.


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I wish to enter multi-line text in a text box which will capture the carriage returns and line feeds into a UTF8 string. I'm sure I have done this before, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.

Can anyone help here?



Active Member
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Are you using the TextArea view, or B4XFloatTextField (as opposed to TextField)?
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Licensed User
This is what I use to allow multiline user input. Customised version of some code I found on forum some years ago.

' Because it uses async calls, it is a resumable sub, so can't simply return a value.
' Has to go in an activity module, so can't go in Lib module (which is static)
' Calling syntax: Wait For(libloc_MultilineInputDialog(pstrText, pblnWrap)) Complete (strInput As String)
' Returns: text if accepted, empty text if user cleared (or entered no text), QUOTE if user pressed back key (so do nothing)
' Uses StateManager to save/reinstate what user typed so far in case app gets swapped out of foreground
Sub libloc_MultilineInputDialog(pstrText As String, pblnWrap As Boolean) As ResumableSub
    Dim cd As CustomLayoutDialog    'requires lib Dialogs   
    cd.ShowAsync("", "Ok", "", "Clear", Null, True)
    cd.SetSize(92%x, 50%y) 'request maximum size
    Wait For Dialog_Ready (DialogPanel As Panel)
    Dim txt As EditText
    txt.SingleLine = False
    txt.Wrap = pblnWrap
    If pstrText = "" Then
        txt.Text = StateManager.GetSetting("Txt")
        txt.Text = pstrText
    End If
    txt.Color = Colors.RGB(224, 255, 255)     'LightCyan
    txt.TextColor = Colors.Black
    txt.InputType = Bit.Or(txt.InputType, 524288)    'disable spellcheck
    txt.Gravity = Gravity.TOP + Gravity.LEFT
    If txt.Text.Length > 0 Then
        txt.SelectionStart = 1    'if don't set to 1 first it doesn't go to 0
    End If
    txt.SelectionStart = 0
    DialogPanel.AddView(txt, 0, 0, 86%x, 40%y)
    Dim ime As IME        'requires lib IME
    Sleep(100)            'seem to need longish sleep here to get kbd to show depending on what was done before calling this
    Wait For Dialog_Result(Result As Int)
    Sleep(100)            'in some scenarios the kbd
    ime.HideKeyboard    '  pops up again after
    StateManager.SetSetting("Txt", "")
    If Result = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
        Return txt.Text.Trim
    else If Result = DialogResponse.NEGATIVE Then
        Return ""
        Return QUOTE    'flag to do nothing
    End If

End Sub
Sub libloc_MultilineInputDialog_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String)
    StateManager.SetSetting("Txt", New)
End Sub
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