My plans for B4A in 2016


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So what's everyone got planned for 2016, B4A related that is?

I plan to add controller support to my Space Invaders clone, using Wonder's generic gamepad support class

I will expand my Orchard Crush game with more game modes and features, maybe add a level system to make it more like candy crush style game

I want to release two applications this year, one for learning Taekwondo theory, this is something I've been meaning to do for a while now. the other will be a ten pin bowling score keeper for tracking your scores, it's something I do sometimes for fun and I've previously played in a league and feel there's a gap for a better app for this. Both these apps will rely heavily on SQL code so will be a good exercise for me in SQL development using Android.

I will finally get round to writing tutorials on using libgdx with B4A with write my twin stick space shooter game which I'll publish on my website

I'd like to write two new games, one will be a remake of a classic game like Missile Command, the second will be a top down tank shooting game using twin stick on screen controls and also compatible with gamepads. It will be level based with different difficulty levels.


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I have a lot of plans but as usual they might collect dust once the proof of concept is there.

Missile Command was cool back then and one of the first game console games I've played at a friend home (Atari 2600?)


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I have a lot of plans but as usual they might collect dust once the proof of concept is there.

Missile Command was cool back then and one of the first game console games I've played at a friend home (Atari 2600?)

You should start again a new competition. This will encourage you making something with your plans ;)

And to @andymc i wish you lot of luck with your plans, i am sure you will surprise us with new great source codes this year.

My plans for 2016 are:

* improve all old android apps
* create at least 5 ios and 5 android apps.
* make games that use box2d physics (for android)
* find new clients
* make some free source code projects for b4x

Now i am working on a nice android tool that i also would like to convert to b4i. I hope that i will finish it in the mext 2 weeks.


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You should start again a new competition. This will encourage you making something with your plans ;)

I've organized it 3 times, only once successful. So it's someone else's turn now :)

Douglas Farias

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My Plans to 2016 its finish my Social App for Web, iOS and Android

12483414_1087319971298218_1165859664_n.jpg 12506961_1087319977964884_435940904_n.jpg 12460020_1087319981298217_1873942253_n.jpg 12516578_1087319984631550_1864048703_n.jpg 12435551_1087319991298216_1551939957_n.jpg 12506671_1087320007964881_594451872_n.jpg
Ps: old images(b4i). the layout its better now


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My plans/wishes for 2016 are to make B4X generate near half of my incomes:eek:

I develop HW/SW and also mobile apps as a freelance, and really enjoy both parts a lot. Lately I am mixing both worlds (HW/SW with B4X) and definitely would like to follow this path, since there are so many things that can be done!

Also, I would like to rescue some old apps I started when I was beginning and, as @sorex says, once the proof of concept was reached were abandoned...

Why not?;)


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My plans for 2016 are:

* improve all old android apps
* create at least 5 ios and 5 android apps.
* make games that use box2d physics (for android)
* find new clients
* make some free source code projects for b4x

Plus php & MySQL :)


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So my plans are .... None :)

I like it to learn new things. I use B4X to get my head free from work or transfer my programming ideas to reality.

My first start was with B4A. Now it's easy to make an app in a short time. I ignored B4J until I got a RaspBerry in my hand. After 1h I had my first B4J app running on it... 3 days later I had a version using PhP, MySQL, RSA, RAF en-/decrypting files and much more... All is possible with B4X.


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Plus php & MySQL :)

Yes that too. I will upload soon an improoved version of your mysql+php example with a different way of reading the values from the mysql db.

You teached me a lot about mysql (and php) and i really like it. I am planing to use it in my new app i am working on. So thank you very much @KMatle :)


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Note that there is no reason to use PHP. Use B4J. It will be simpler and more powerful.

The only exception is if you are using a shared hosting.

do you mean to create a server and send all http request to that b4j server? instead to the php script?
i dont know how to do that i just started 2 days ago with mysql and the only way i know how to connect to my online db is via php :(

btw what are your plans for 2016 @Erel :)


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after 2 years of programming several apps with B4A, I started my first B4J Desktop programm in autum of 2015. It is an authoring tool to produce content for Heritage Interpretation Apps - a sort of self guided tour (made with B4A). The author can easily push the whole content from the desktop app to the android app - thanks to this perfect combination of B4J and B4A. It is now nearly finished and goes into beta.

My plans for 2016 are starting with the whole server stuff (b4j web apps) and the IoT stuff. I am very curious about this...for that reason I will have to reduce my normal job - I am a CEO of a small scale company with focus on database and GIS let's see what 2016 will bring :)


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My Plans to 2016 its finish my Social App for Web, iOS and Android

I don't know if that QuoteClub app is about quotes from people or books?

But be aware that quoting things out of songs, books etc can be seen as copyright violation.

I know a company that files complaints for every site, app that have their song lyrics listed.


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1, Renew B4A license.
2, Maybe actually write something using it. (nah, just kidding, I only keep it to get the libraries updated)


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1, Renew B4A license.
2, Maybe actually write something using it. (nah, just kidding, I only keep it to get the libraries updated)

you don't need to renew your license to be able to download new/updated libs from
renew the license will "only" give you updates of b4a


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1. Maybe not renew B4i (my Apple developer account had expired time ago and I've no projects for now on Apple platform)
2. Continue developing projects on B4J (my first developing package from now)
3. Renew B4A (pass B4J programs to B4A)
4. Go for ABMaterial seriously and buy a RPI (had an Arduino and like a lot but the IDE it's so awful that it's a pain programming on it) --> bye to PHP ...
5. Like every year, study all the LibGDX stuff for develop a single/simple game !!


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you don't need to renew your license to be able to download new/updated libs from
renew the license will "only" give you updates of b4a

True, but as B4J is free and I like using it for prototyping, I feel that by paying for B4A (that I don't use), I am in part paying Erel to further develop B4J.


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This is also why i immediately renew my b4x (b4a and b4i) license. Support erel and anywhere software. :)

Douglas Farias

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Longtime User
I don't know if that QuoteClub app is about quotes from people or books?

But be aware that quoting things out of songs, books etc can be seen as copyright violation.

I know a company that files complaints for every site, app that have their song lyrics listed.

Yes, this is a social app to make phrases on images.


phrases about life (3).jpg phrases about life (12).jpg tumblr_miy6frs61A1rya2qqo1_500.jpg

User can upload images or select the pre-loaded images of app and write phrases on it.
- Select Font
- Select Place
- Select Image
- Select Effects
And more.

On the end of edit this generate a .jpg or .png
The user can share on quoteclub the images/phrases, give likes and get likes,
followers, share in anothers social places like facebook etc...

Its really much work, the focus now are on web first
this image is already made on the QuoteClub (testimage)

About Rights

We have an advocate working with this network .
It will prepare the terms of site usage, regulations etc.
If by chance any future user to send photo with rights , phrases, etc. may be warned or even have to account banned

the user who will be responsible for that post . and of course will have to denounce buttons etc.

I think this year we will finish this b4a, b4i and web
on the apps i m working alone, web its a web developer and design

here another old photos





This will have support for another languages, the images are in portuguese