Meeting the great members of the forums in (so far non existing) events like (thinking loud) B4X Developers Days, local B4X Communities ...
My plans for 2016 are:
* improve all old android apps (DONE!)
* create at least 5 ios and 5 android apps. (FAILED, i did only 2 ios and 3 Android apps )
* make games that use box2d physics (for android) (FAILED, but will be my next project)
* find new clients (DONE!)
* make some free source code projects for b4x (DONE!) fact it will be a little bit shorter since there will not be February 29thi hope 2017 will be a little bit longer . fact it will be a little bit shorter since there will not be February 29th
1. Maybe not renew B4i (my Apple developer account had expired time ago and I've no projects for now on Apple platform) (DONE!)
2. Continue developing projects on B4J (my first developing package from now) (DONE!)
3. Renew B4A (pass B4J programs to B4A) (DONE!)
4. Go for ABMaterial seriously and buy a RPI (had an Arduino and like a lot but the IDE it's so awful that it's a pain programming on it) --> bye to PHP ...
FAILED -->Waiting for ABMAbstractDesigner ...
DONE --> Buy RPI an integrate app with B4A as client, B4J as server, Firebase mesagging, etc.. (and RETROPIE)
5. Like every year, study all the LibGDX stuff for develop a single/simple game !! FAILED again once more time !
Mine is start publishing games.
The idea is making 4 games during 2016. So by march I should be releasing my very first game. So... hurry hurry!
And if I'm lucky I hope to see some money income from them...
I have a lot of plans but as usual they might collect dust once the proof of concept is there.
2016 will end soon and i am not very satisfied with my achievements it is just the lack of time, i hope 2017 will be a little bit longer .
Well done! You've released one complete game with over 100,000 downloads and your second game in early access is looking good for a pre-christmas release! (I hope). We'll just have to assume you've started to make some money from catapult.
Ads will also not work as you can see no social app got ads.