Hi Erel,
The text of a multiline textbox is not set in the regular text field. There is another larger field at the bottom of that section.
I had never noticed that the Data field changed to Multiline Text field!?
I always tried to enter the text in the Text field.
With MultiLine the Text field should be hidden or at least disabled with nothing in.
The name problem was with the Text field.
By default the Text and Multiline Text fields contain the TextBox's Name for example TextBox1.
If you clear the Text field and then rename the TextBox to TextBox2 and click on OK, in the Text field TextBox1 comes back. But now I know that the content of the TextBox is the content of the MultiLine Text field and this one is simply copied to the Text field when clickon on OK.
But as soon as the Text filed will be hidden or disabled there will be no confusion anymore.
Best regards.