New Guy...

Amalgamated Sugar

Licensed User
Hello to all!

I'm new to the forum and couldn't find a good place to say 'hi!'. I'm here mainly because of a new job where I inherited a project. My predecessor developed a couple of apps using B4A with a license our department purchased for him. Anyway, I'm new to app development and new to B4A. After poking around here a bit, and gauging the friendliness of the site and its members, decided to become more visible. I'm working through the Beginner's Guide right now. I'm trying to familiarize myself so that I can troubleshoot those apps I mentioned before.

Anywho, hello!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello to all!

I'm new to the forum and couldn't find a good place to say 'hi!'. I'm here mainly because of a new job where I inherited a project. My predecessor developed a couple of apps using B4A with a license our department purchased for him. Anyway, I'm new to app development and new to B4A. After poking around here a bit, and gauging the friendliness of the site and its members, decided to become more visible. I'm working through the Beginner's Guide right now. I'm trying to familiarize myself so that I can troubleshoot those apps I mentioned before.

Anywho, hello!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Welcome Michael.

My advise is to post your query and also development progress, without any inhibition. Erel here will give solution if other members haven't by the time. This will help other new users too.




Licensed User
Longtime User
Welcome to forum! What kind of apps are you dealing with?

Amalgamated Sugar

Licensed User
Welcome to forum! What kind of apps are you dealing with?
The app that I'm working on right now connects via Bluetooth and receives data from an electronic scale head. The user inputs some data manually and then sends this to a Bluetooth printer. Since this is my first dance with app development and B4A, I purchased Wyken Seagraves' book. I'm about halfway through it, and understand about 10% so far. But I'm appreciating the challenge.

The application I inherited has no documentation or comments embedded in the program. So, I really have my work cut out for me. :)
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Amalgamated Sugar

Licensed User
Hi Michael

Welcome to the forum. Have you ever coded before ?
My belt is notched with 'Hello World's in JAVA and C#, but I never really delved farther than that. I know the basics like what a variable is, what a primitive is, what a 'for-loop' and subs/methods are for, and the basics of OOP. But this is the first time I've ever really dived into a language...