New promotional video


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It's awsome, love it!

Want to go and buy it...... oh yeah, already did lol.

One thing that I have thought for a while and have mentioned it before, B4A could really do with it's own domain and forum rather than sharing with ppc. Is there any reason why we are sharing. The price of a .com doesn't cost much And it should be able to share your current ppc hosting. Only a few hosts allow you only one domain.

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B4X founder
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You made this yourself?
No. It was done by OKdesign: OKdesign

About the domain. actually redirects to
I agree that the current situation is not perfect. is online since 2005. is Anywhere Software site. I don't want to have two different sites. From SEO reasons it was preferable to keep the current one.
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User is online since 2005. is Anywhere Software site. I don't want to have two different sites. From SEO reasons it was preferable to keep the current one.

So why not put on promo stuff and start building it's presence. And then at some point swap domains over so b4a is the main domain and b4ppc is the redirect. There doen't seem to be much b4ppc-ness left in the anywhere software site anyway

(just trying to help and offer ideas here. Tell me to sod off and shut up if you feel it's none of my business)

On the other hand I'm sure you have enough on your hands as it is. Building b4a at such a rapid growth.
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We OK to share this? Want to spread some b4a love.
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Hi Erel,

Compliments; I like the style and the music. Great design!

Some comments:
- Shouldn't it be: "and much more" instead of "and many more"?¿?
Not sure since I only know Dutch, ha, ha.

- I would add some info about the connection with Java, so that people who discovered Java, Eclips, etc. on their way to start developing for Android see that B4A is by far the best and easiest way to get started AND that the two can work together.

- a delicate one :sign0013: the B4A logo, especially the greenish device is not in my top 10 of nicest logo's. No idea if I'm the only one who thinks that (woman differ from man) but I really would like it if you start a contest for a new logo (and I volunteer to be a jury member, promised).

Best regards,
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