Android Question Not installing to device with b4a Bridge


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I need some help, since last time i start B4a laptop or desktop i am not able to send true b4a bridge. Its compiling after that its keeps hanging on installing on device.
Using Bridge V2.62 and b4a 10.7.

I also do not get a warning a device is not connected.

It always has worked and nothing really changed.

Any ideas??

Greetz Ray
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Licensed User
Something has "really changed." - it no longer works.

Not enough information provided to consider the reason.
Well i just open b4a again to add something to my project. Then as always i start the bridge on my phone. I connect as says left b4a. Bridge say connected as wel. Press play. Debug is doing well to "installing to device" and stays still times out.

If i do not connect to bridge. I would normaly get a message saying not connect to bridge. I do not get that message either.

So... no.clue
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Licensed User
Looks like it is connected and communicating with the device but the device itself is refusing to install the app. Is the device running out of memory? can you try a different device?
Installed bridge on wifes phone. Same problem. Its installing de b4a example first time connecting. Then same as before. Could it be firewall or something? Really wierd never had this problem before.
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Licensed User
When you first install the bridge, it will install the b4a_designer. So that works. But no self created apps will install. Dont see progressbar on the bridge or error message on the b4a program.

Edit: Also tried the designer. It does not connect.

Wil try to copy the APK see what happens

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Using Bridge V2.62 and b4a 10.7.
That screenshot above appears to show B4A v10.0, not 10.7, not that it matters in this case (probably!).

In my experience strange errors such as this are because we are looking in the wrong place for the reason. Could this be a firewall problem? Odd that it installs the designer but nothing else.
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Longtime User
Two further suggestions.

1) As File Explorer in the IDE seems to work copy the apk to Download and using an on-device file browser click on the apk and see if it installs.

2) It might be some sort of network problem. I believe that later versions of B4ABridge will still work if you make your phone into a WiFi hotspot and connect your computer to it. It might be worth a try as then there is no other network between the devices.
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When you install B4A bridge, did you allow permission to install Unknown sources?
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Licensed User
Two further suggestions.

1) As File Explorer in the IDE seems to work copy the apk to Download and using an on-device file browser click on the apk and see if it installs.

2) It might be some sort of network problem. I believe that later versions of B4ABridge will still work if you make your phone into a WiFi hotspot and connect your computer to it. It might be worth a try as then there is no other network between the devices.

The bridge keps saying not connected to a wifi network. when i set phone on hotspot. So that doesnt work.

The apk does install when i copy it to the phone. So unknown source is good.
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Longtime User
All I can think if is that it does look a bit like a network, possibly firewall issue.

The IDE sees the device and connects. So IP addresses are obtained and can communicate.
B4ABridge File Explorer works which uses an FTP Server in B4ABridge.
So the network connection seems to be there and working

Apps installation uses an FTP client in B4ABridge. That doesn't seem to work.
The only difference that I can think of are that the FTP client and server use different ports, the server ports seem open but the client ports seem to be barred
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Licensed User
All I can think if is that it does look a bit like a network, possibly firewall issue.

The IDE sees the device and connects. So IP addresses are obtained and can communicate.
B4ABridge File Explorer works which uses an FTP Server in B4ABridge.
So the network connection seems to be there and working

Apps installation uses an FTP client in B4ABridge. That doesn't seem to work.
The only difference that I can think of are that the FTP client and server use different ports, the server ports seem open but the client ports seem to be barred
So portforwarding to phone ip and b4a pc could work? And should be both 25 right??
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Does it work if you connect via USB cable?
Months ago I had a similar problem, seemed to work Ok via USB cable. I never bothered to chase the problem.
Some weeks later, I realised I'd forgotten to connect the cable (for some time) and WiFi was working Ok again.
No idea why.
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