Android Question B4a bridge device not found error


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I'm moving and installing B4a 6.5 over to a new windows 10 laptop. Everything was moved including the license, additional libraries, launch icons and I installed java and android sdk. But I can't connect to the B4A bridge. At the end of a successful compile I get a pop-up window with the error message "No device found". The status icon on the Bridge always shows "waiting for connections". Have tried in both release and debug modes.

I have checked that wifi is running on the new laptop and that the laptop and phone are both on the same subnet.


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Windows 10 64 bits will not install the Google ADB driver because it is apparently not signed.
If that is your problem, let me dig up what I had to do to install it. It is simple but not immediately obvious.

Correction, the problem I described is for the USB interface. Not sure if it affects the bridge as well but it's possible.
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What do you see on the device? Have you clicked on the Start button?
Yes, I clicked start on the phone but it never makes the connection. I did read in the B4A book that I should install the 32 bit version rather than the 64 but I could not find this on the android developers web site so used the 64 bit version. Could that be part of the problem?
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Do you by any chance have a dual band wireless router? i.e. 2.4Ghz & 5Ghz.

Some routers have the facility to block access to the other device if it is connected on the other frequency.
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Do you by any chance have a dual band wireless router? i.e. 2.4Ghz & 5Ghz.

Some routers have the facility to block access to the other device if it is connected on the other frequency.
Not sure about that. It's a Belkin N300 router. I do see that under Bandwidth settings it says "20/40Mhz" with the option of setting it just to 20. Should I try that?
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Windows 10 64 bits will not install the Google ADB driver because it is apparently not signed.
If that is your problem, let me dig up what I had to do to install it. It is simple but not immediately obvious.

Correction, the problem I described is for the USB interface. Not sure if it affects the bridge as well but it's possible.
How would I know whether the ADB server was or wasn't running? I see "Restart ADB server" under the tools menu in B4A. Nothing happens when I click it.
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ADB is not relevant when using B4A-Bridge.

I did read in the B4A book that I should install the 32 bit version rather than the 64 but I could not find this on the android developers web site so used the 64 bit version. Could that be part of the problem?
Both versions are fine.

What do you see in the IDE in the bottom left corner?
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All that I can say, is that there is a network problem somewhere. Switch to USB debug mode. Most devices support it.
Without explanation the B4a bridge is working once again. I have been away on vacation and did not bring the new laptop with me so no changes could have been made.

I am curious about the bandwidth at which these devices operate. The new laptop wifi adapter is 2.4Ghz while the old router is 20/40Mhz. Could this have an impact on the problem?

One other note. After clicking "Install" on the bridge I got a message that said "App not installed". I found that if I deleted the previous version of the app on the phone it installed properly.
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One other note. After clicking "Install" on the bridge I got a message that said "App not installed". I found that if I deleted the previous version of the app on the phone it installed properly.
This indicates that you are using a different signing key for the app.

I would guess that you are using the debug key which changed in the newer versions of B4A.
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I am curious about the bandwidth at which these devices operate. The new laptop wifi adapter is 2.4Ghz while the old router is 20/40Mhz. Could this have an impact on the problem?
I don't think so.

One other note. After clicking "Install" on the bridge I got a message that said "App not installed". I found that if I deleted the previous version of the app on the phone it installed properly.
As @fixit30 wrote it can happen if you are using a different sign key. Other possible causes:
- Changing the targetSdkVersion from 23+ to 22-.
- Smaller #VersionCode value.
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