I change the referente to the new library OkHttpUtils2 but when i call a WebService, the jobDone return me a error:
ResponseError. Reason: Unsupported Media Type, Response: El servidor no puede atender la solicitud porque no el tipo de medio no es compatible.
WebService define:
http://([URL='http://www.factunet.net/webservice/service1.asmx?op=SetGPS'](omited by author)[/URL]
https://[URL='http://www.factunet.net/webservice/service1.asmx?op=SetGPS'](omited by author)[/URL]
With HttpUtils2 there are not error, but, i think thak a need migrated to last version
the error are captured in Sub JobDone (job As HttpJob)
ResponseError. Reason: Unsupported Media Type, Response: El servidor no puede atender la solicitud porque no el tipo de medio no es compatible.
WebService define:
http://([URL='http://www.factunet.net/webservice/service1.asmx?op=SetGPS'](omited by author)[/URL]
https://[URL='http://www.factunet.net/webservice/service1.asmx?op=SetGPS'](omited by author)[/URL]
With HttpUtils2 there are not error, but, i think thak a need migrated to last version
the error are captured in Sub JobDone (job As HttpJob)
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