Android Question On Android 9, after deleting the program and cleaning the memory, the old program database remains


On Android 9 ("Honor-8a"), after deleting the program and cleaning the memory, the old program database remains.
Therefore, it is impossible to reinstall and debug the version of the program.
On older systems, everything is deleted.
The database is created with the following code:
Public Sub Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String, ServerUrl As String)
   sql.Initialize(File.DirInternal, "db.db", True)
   If sql.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='data'") = 0 Then
        Log("Creating new database!")
        ' создание локального хранилища данных
        sql.ExecNonQuery("CREATE TABLE data (user TEXT, key TEXT, value BLOB, origin TEXT, id INTEGER, time INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (user, key))")
        sql.ExecNonQuery("CREATE INDEX id_index ON data (id)")
        ' создание таблицы запросов
        sql.ExecNonQuery("CREATE TABLE queue (qid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, task BLOB, taskname TEXT, user TEXT, key TEXT)")
        sql.ExecNonQuery("CREATE INDEX id_index2 ON queue (user, key)")
    End If
End Sub
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