Here's a little proof of concept that I've been working on I thought I'd like to share, made using soundpool and some wav samples of a guitar I had in my library.
It's monophonic, I might use the gestures library at a later date, you can play the zero fret for open strings. It copes (just about) with string bends and slides.
I'm surprised how quick the response to touch is and can actually get a reasonably good tune out of it. (Not so good on an emulator though!)
File now attached, thanks to Cor for sizing tip.
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It's monophonic, I might use the gestures library at a later date, you can play the zero fret for open strings. It copes (just about) with string bends and slides.
I'm surprised how quick the response to touch is and can actually get a reasonably good tune out of it. (Not so good on an emulator though!)
File now attached, thanks to Cor for sizing tip.
V1.02 Amended to release resources on close.
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