I have my old program who have been using a sync up and down to online database and doing operations on data.Now i want to move and do direct actions to online database. I've been using my classes like this.
What are the best practicies to return values from subs since all actions are handled in jobdone event ?
Sub Class_Globals
Public Nom As String
Public ID As Int
Public abbrv As String
Public ann As Int
Public titre As String
Public fil As Filiere
Public nivo_etu As String
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize(id_ As Int, Nom_ As String, abbrv_ As String, id_fil As Int, titl As String, ann_ As Int, nivo_etu_ As String)
ID = id_
Nom = Nom_
abbrv = abbrv_
ann = ann_
fil = GetFiliere(id_fil)
titre = titl
nivo_etu = nivo_etu_
End Sub
Public Sub Creer()
Dim objArray As String = "INSERT INTO niveau VALUES(Null, '" & Nom.Replace("'", "\'") & "', '" & abbrv.Replace("'", "\'") & "', '" & fil.ID & "', '" & titre & "', '" & ann & "', '" & nivo_etu & "')"
End Sub
Public Sub GetFiliere(IDF As Int) As Filiere
Dim str As String = ("SELECT * FROM filiere WHERE id_filiere='"& IDF &"'")
Dim fill As Filiere
Dim Rsa As ResultSet = DBAccess.SelectMoi(str)
Do While Rsa.NextRow
Return fill
End Sub
Public Sub Modifier()
Dim objArray As String = "UPDATE niveau SET Nom='" & Nom.Replace("'", "\'") & "', abbrev='" & abbrv.Replace("'", "\'") & "', annee_etud='"& ann & "', filiere_id_filiere='" & fil.ID & "', titre='" & titre & "', nivo_etud='" & nivo_etu & "' WHERE id_niveau='" & ID & "'"
End Sub
Public Sub Supprimer()
DBAccess.Miseajour("DELETE FROM niveau WHERE id_niveau='" & ID & "'")
End Sub
What are the best practicies to return values from subs since all actions are handled in jobdone event ?