Android Question OSMDroid vs Google Maps

David Elkington

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There seem to be a few experts on the forum regarding maps so I would like to add a question. If I wanted to build an app where people would go out into the world, mark their position on a map in an easy way and then enter details on their location, which would be the best mapping function to use?

I have a few restraints. Sometime they would be going into areas where there is no cell coverage, so I would like them to specify a location and download the maps offline on wifi before they go.

The would need to be able to add points to the map (zooming in as precisely as possible on a "Google earth" kind of map) even when offline.

They would need to be able to see the points they have already marked for the day, and possibly select and edit them.

Many thanks


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi David,
when in a need for something similar I faced the same doubt. I went for OSM because, if I recall correctly, that was the only one offering off-line maps.
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Longtime User
Warwound did a great job to bring us the OSM world. Have a look at his tutorials and read through the library thread to spot hints and examples that surely will simplify your job. It will take some time to study it, but it's well worth your time.
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David Elkington

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Yes, just reading those now. Very interesting. Maybe I’ll contact him and ask him if he’ll code the module for me.
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