iOS Question OTA link doesn't work: "Cannot connect to"


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I'm trying to install my app on my iPhone using OTA deployer.

I've already tested it in last August with the same app on the same device (it's the device I use for debug too) and all was working perfect.

Today I build in release, downloaded last build, then with OTA deployer I've uploaded the ipa and obtained a "success" and the link.

Sent the link to my iPhone e-mail account but when I tap on it I obtain msgbox that say: "Cannot connect to".

If I click on the old link of the August test I obtain msgbox that say: " would like to install..."

If I use Safari I can reach

What's wrong?

Thank to everyone for help.


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Are you able to install your app with B4i-Bridge on this device?
Hi Erel.
Yes. First I have installed it on the iPhone in release via B4i-Bridge. Then uninstalled. And after that I've tried to install via OTA link.
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I sent it in the e-mail text. And it was not working.

Today I have uploaded another time the ipa file using OTA Deployer, and sent the obtained link in the e-mail text, in e-mail subject and as attachment in a txt file.
I've used the same mail client as last week.
All 3 methods works!!! :eek:

I'm happy for this result, but I don't understand why last week the link was not working. I hope the problem will not come back in future.

Thanks a Lot Erel for your help.
Best Regards.
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Just to try to understand the problem.
The NOT WORKING link, see below, is longer then the other two WORKING links. The BOLD and RED part is the different one.
I've substitued "%2526" with "AND". After this change the link appear to works because on iPhone I obtain the messagebox: " would like to install...".

So, why the OTA deployer gave to me an uncorrect link?
Thanks a Lot.

August link, WORKING:

Today link, WORKING:

Last week link, NOT WORKING:
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:eek::eek::eek: EEEEKKKKKKK.....

I did a big mistake and I didn't noticed it. Sorry!!!!!
I'll remember this for the future.

Thank You very much Erel.
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