With bb4xtable not being vertically scrollable, I have to display page total of items in last row of every page, which gets carried forward to next page.
Suppose I have 3 pages and total 15 rows, with each page displaying 5 rows(for demo purpose and understanding), each page desired layout as follows:
The data is from db using sql. Does the sql command set this pattern for every page, or is possible to use B4xtable code to achieve this?
I was using flexitable earlier, which could be verically scrolled to the bottom that had one TOTAL(using UNION ALL sql command)..
Suppose I have 3 pages and total 15 rows, with each page displaying 5 rows(for demo purpose and understanding), each page desired layout as follows:
300 230 250(C/F previous)
5 6 4
4 3 2
4 3 5
313 242 261
313 242 261
6 5 4
4 5 6
3 6 7
326 258 278
326 258 278
2 5 6
5 4 3
3 9 12
335 276 299
The data is from db using sql. Does the sql command set this pattern for every page, or is possible to use B4xtable code to achieve this?
I was using flexitable earlier, which could be verically scrolled to the bottom that had one TOTAL(using UNION ALL sql command)..
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