When I run the following hex value 0x01000000 into Bit.ParseInt I do not get what I thought I would
Hex Value:0x01000000 Comes back as :1.6777216E7
Bit.ParseInt("01000000") should return return 16777216
What is even stranger to me is I am assigning this valid to an Int and it is giving me a floating point number.
If I assign the Bit.ParseInt to a Long it returns the right value
But If I then try and put that long into a Int it again becomes a floating point number.
16777216 is well withing the range of and Int (Int : 4bytes signed: -2147483648 to 2147483647)
So I am confused. What am I doing wrong??
Hex Value:0x01000000 Comes back as :1.6777216E7
Bit.ParseInt("01000000") should return return 16777216
What is even stranger to me is I am assigning this valid to an Int and it is giving me a floating point number.
If I assign the Bit.ParseInt to a Long it returns the right value
But If I then try and put that long into a Int it again becomes a floating point number.
16777216 is well withing the range of and Int (Int : 4bytes signed: -2147483648 to 2147483647)
So I am confused. What am I doing wrong??