Here is demo creation of paytm library which is very easy to integrate and will help you to get money by all the payment methods by debit card ,credit card ,net banking. We can provide you help with integrating it and provide full support of taking it to the prod environment.
here is the demo video of the paytm integration in b4a
We will provide you full code with library in just $20. It is the simple amount you can pay to get this amazing payment gateway. Hope You Will Like It...
we are open for comments and help you need so ping us at - [email protected]
here is the demo video of the paytm integration in b4a
'#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: Paytm Best
#VersionCode: 1
'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
#SupportedOrientations: unspecified
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Private pMap As Map
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private pservice As Paytm
Private cha As String = "WAP"
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub PaytmEvent_someuierroroccurred(inErrorMessage As String)
Log("B4A: paytm_someuierroroccurred")
End Sub
Sub PaytmEvent_ontransactionresponse(inResponse As Map)
LogColor("B4A: paytm_ontransactionresponse BEGIN",Colors.Blue)
For Each key In inResponse.Keys
LogColor("B4A: paytm_ontransactionresponse END",Colors.Blue)
End Sub
Sub PaytmEvent_networknotavailable
Log("B4A: paytm_networknotavailable")
End Sub
Sub PaytmEvent_clientauthenticationfailed( inErrorMessage As String)
Log("B4A: paytm_clientauthenticationfailed")
End Sub
Sub PaytmEvent_onerrorloadingwebpage(iniErrorCode As Int , inErrorMessage As String, inFailingUrl As String)
Log("B4A: paytm_onerrorloadingwebpage")
End Sub
Sub PaytmEvent_onbackpressedcanceltransaction
Log("B4A: paytm_onbackpressedcanceltransaction")
End Sub
Sub PaytmEvent_ontransactioncancel( inErrorMessage As String,inResponse As Map )
Log("B4A: paytm_ontransactioncancel")
End Sub
Sub paynow_Click
'return checksum
pMap.put( "MID" , "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
pMap.put( "ORDER_ID" , "342")
pMap.put( "CUST_ID" , "cust1234")
'pMap.put( "MOBILE_NO" , "7777777777")
'pMap.put( "EMAIL" , "[email protected]")
pMap.put( "CHANNEL_ID" , cha)
pMap.put( "TXN_AMOUNT" , "100")
' // This Is the staging value. Production value Is available in your dashboard
pMap.put( "INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID" , "Retail")
' // This Is the staging value. Production value Is available in your dashboard
pMap.put( "CALLBACK_URL", "")
Dim porder As Paytmorder
End Sub
We will provide you full code with library in just $20. It is the simple amount you can pay to get this amazing payment gateway. Hope You Will Like It...
we are open for comments and help you need so ping us at - [email protected]
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