This is a partial wrap for Apache PDFBox.
In this early stage i am focusing on manipulating PDF AcroForms and building new PDF with AcroForm.
It is also possible to create some javascript which can run when you open the PDF on acrobat.
The Examplecode and the needed Objects i got my inspiration from one of the Examples.
Example Code (just my test code)
The attached sample_form.pdf is the PDF created by this Code ;-)
The new Example i added does the following:
- It exports a XFDF File from a given pdf with acroform.
- It inports a sample XFDF and fill the PDF Acroform with the data from the XFDF.
- Now working with another PDF the Example uses a Template PDF and adds a AcroForm onto this PDF. The newly generated PDF if saved.
If you want to add Javascript for the generated AcroForm you can use this code for example.
What it does:
It get the fields for pos1amount, pos1sum, pos2amount, pos2sum, pos3amount, pos3sum and pos4amount, pos4sum.
It then calculate the tax (in german MWSt) and a endprice including Tax.
The generated values are set into the fields.
There are much more nice gimmicks you can do with the Acrobat internal Javascript.
Download the PDFBox jar here:
Author: DonManfred
Version: 0.29
In this early stage i am focusing on manipulating PDF AcroForms and building new PDF with AcroForm.
It is also possible to create some javascript which can run when you open the PDF on acrobat.
The Examplecode and the needed Objects i got my inspiration from one of the Examples.
Example Code (just my test code)
'Building a new PDF with AcroForm
'PDDocument pdDocument = new PDDocument();
Dim r As PDRectangle
Dim hlp As FontandColorHelper
Dim doc As PDDocument
Dim cat As PDDocumentCatalog = doc.DocumentCatalog
Dim json As PDActionJavaScript
json.Initialize("",$"var now = util.printd('yyyy-mm-dd', new Date());
var oField = this.getField('Field1');
oField.value = now;"$)
cat.OpenAction = json ' the Field "Field1" is used here...
Dim page As PDPage
Dim acroform As PDAcroForm
cat.AcroForm = acroform
Dim res As PDResources
acroform.DefaultResources = res
Dim textfield As PDTextField
textfield.PartialName = "Field1" ' This is the Field we are refering in the javascript above.
textfield.DefaultValue = "B4X rules"
textfield.DefaultAppearance = "/Cour 12 Tf 0 0 1 rg"
textfield.Value = ""
Dim widget As PDAnnotationWidget = textfield.Widget
Dim rect As PDRectangle
widget.Rectangle = rect
widget.Page = page
Dim fieldAppearance As PDAppearanceCharacteristicsDictionary
fieldAppearance.BorderColour = hlp.createColor(Array As Float(8,16,32))
fieldAppearance.Background = hlp.createColor(Array As Float(32,64,8))
widget.AppearanceCharacteristics = fieldAppearance
widget.Printed = True
The attached sample_form.pdf is the PDF created by this Code ;-)
The new Example i added does the following:
- It exports a XFDF File from a given pdf with acroform.
- It inports a sample XFDF and fill the PDF Acroform with the data from the XFDF.
- Now working with another PDF the Example uses a Template PDF and adds a AcroForm onto this PDF. The newly generated PDF if saved.
If you want to add Javascript for the generated AcroForm you can use this code for example.
Dim js As PDActionJavaScript
js.Initialize($"var anzahl1 = this.getField("Pos1Anzahl");
var preis1 = this.getField("Pos1Summe");
var anzahl2 = this.getField("Pos2Anzahl");
var preis2 = this.getField("Pos2Summe");
var anzahl3 = this.getField("Pos3Anzahl");
var preis3 = this.getField("Pos3Summe");
var anzahl4 = this.getField("Pos4Anzahl");
var preis4 = this.getField("Pos4Summe");
var gesamt = this.getField("GesamtNetto");
var mwst = this.getField("MWST");
var gesamtbrutto = this.getField("EndPreis");
var netto = (anzahl1.value*preis1.value)+(anzahl2.value*preis2.value)+(anzahl3.value*preis3.value)+(anzahl4.value*preis4.value)
gesamt.value = netto;
gesamtbrutto.value = netto+((netto/100)*mwst.value);"$)
widget.Action = js
It get the fields for pos1amount, pos1sum, pos2amount, pos2sum, pos3amount, pos3sum and pos4amount, pos4sum.
It then calculate the tax (in german MWSt) and a endprice including Tax.
The generated values are set into the fields.
There are much more nice gimmicks you can do with the Acrobat internal Javascript.
Download the PDFBox jar here:
Author: DonManfred
Version: 0.29
Last edited: