Android Question Pervasive conection B4A


It is not B4A specific. Watch jRDC2 video tutorial.

I have already seen the video, but it is for mysql. with these methods the pervasive connection chain does not work: jdbc: pervasive: // 1583 / Gestion fails in SendJob when adding query2
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Longtime User
some example for b4a with pervasive sql.
I can't make a remote connection
I tried a few years ago to connect with pervasive but to no avail.

Then I created a connection / server application created with VB.NET that connects to a PervasiveDB and works as a listening server.

With the B4A client I connected to the VB.NET application and sent the commands. The server turned pervasive and returned the response to the client.

If I remember correctly, the problem was that it did not accept the DB access credentials, even if correct. But I was probably making some mistakes.
Having little time is folded like this. It is certainly not an optimal solution, but it works
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I tried a few years ago to connect with pervasive but to no avail.

Then I created a connection / server application created with VB.NET that connects to a PervasiveDB and works as a listening server.

With the B4A client I connected to the VB.NET application and sent the commands. The server turned pervasive and returned the response to the client.

If I remember correctly, the problem was that it did not accept the DB access credentials, even if correct. But I was probably making some mistakes.
Having little time is folded like this. It is certainly not an optimal solution, but it works

I have tried with dbshema and it works but with the b4j not ..
can you send me an example from to test it with my app??
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Longtime User
Create a new B4J project and use jSQL to access the database.
This++. It could be an issue with the connection pool used (C3P0), but until you try a standalone app and just use the jSQL by itself (without pooling), we will not know how to proceed.
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