Thanks yttrium! Yes, I only notice that with white backgrounds the gradient becomes too rounded. And thanks for pointing out the folder icons. I should change those too.
I dont have a stock device, I would probably use the emulator. Also reminds me to use scrotter to do the frame too!
I have a One X+ running ParanoidAndroid. I planned to do a nandroid backup and flip my theme and settings back to stock in order to grab some screenshots for Scrotter. I could nab some for your app too, if you want.
As per an actual review of the app, I would look into using this kind of library instead of the current dialog system:
I sat forever on the first dialog ("Backing up to /storage/emulated/0") and I thought it was operating. Took me forever to figure out I had to hit "OK" before it began, and then a loading bar happened, and then it gave me yet another dialog saying it finished. Instead, you should consolidate all of these into a single dialog - "Back up to /storage/emulated/0 ?" --> User presses 'OK' --> Loading dialog --> Finished --> "Backed up to /storage/emulated/0" --> User presses 'OK' --> Dismiss dialog
Also, each time you tap on a section, the arrow rotates 90 degrees to the left, even if it's expanding - hence, by doubletapping, it expands but rotates 180 degrees, pointing to the left rather than down, and then tapping once makes it point down when it's collapsed. You should make a temp boolean variable to tell it whether or not to rotate, and that boolean should be true while it's expanding - so declare it in globals for each menu (or as an array), set it to true just before you begin expanding, and then set it to false as soon as it finishes expanding.
Additionally, you should look into using the AHQuickAction library so that your action bar's menu pops up where the user clicks (from the top right, the action bar) rather than the bottom of the screen.
Finally, how did you do that settings page with the full back button? I'd love to copy it or do something similar for Scrotter.